Chapter Two: Origin of angels
Where do angelic beings come from? The Bible started with the book of Genesis narrating the creation of the heavens and the earth and everything in it. We read that God made the sun, moon, plants, animals and finally the unique creation of Adam and later Eve. We never read about the occasion in which the angels were created. Infact throughout the Bible, the reality of angels is assumed. The Bible simply refer to angels as if people already know who they are. The reality of angels is somewhat similar to the reality of God. Their existence is assumed and need no further explanations. However, we know from scriptures that God made all things both visible and invisible and from that we know thet God created angels.
So when did God created angels? Although there is no mentioning of such in the Bible, we can infer from the temptation of the first couple in the Garden Of Eden. Right at the start of human history, satan disguised himself in the form of a serpent and from this we can know that God created the angels before He created the physical world we see today.
Angels like human beings and all other created order owe their origins from God. The difference between angels and us is that they do not have a physical body but we do. Other differences is that they are servants of God and ministers of God and have tremendous powers and in the Old Testament we do read about one angel able to defeat a large number of human fighters. Angels are able to fly but that doesnt mean they possess wings and the Bible often tells us that people who encounter angels do not realise that they have seen one simply because they appear in the likeness of men.
Satan and his angels also comes from God. We need to understand that one third of the angelic beings led by satan rebelled against God and as a result banish from heaven into the atmosphere. That is why the New Testament refer satan as 'prince of the powers of the air' that simply tells us the realm in which they function and by no means make oxygen toxic to us. haha
The remaining two thirds are the holy/elect angels we have read about previously. With that in mind, we need to know that God still have powers over satan and his fallen angels. No doubt what the holy angels can do, fallen angels can do likewise because they used to be like them. They still have tremendous powers and capability to do what they want. The basic difference between these 2 is that one is for God and the other in opposition of God.