So make up your mind. Who is your real father ? Which fellow you own half of your chromosomes to?
U have been living with a father tat had raised u up. Now comes another "real" father who u believe to have given u half of your chromosomes.
Remember your goal and purpose is to find the real father, not anyone who cares for you. So don't give me the crap anyone can be your father.
Now tat is an interesting question. SO u only care who is your real father and had thrown u away than not one who has raise u up ?
Anyway talking about "father" is getting out of point :s
To people, telling them tat believing is just "receiving" is wrong. They have to pay a price which is forfeit their old religion since from previous discussion, only Christians get to be saved. For a real offer, there shouldn't have such a demand.
Why doesn't he "saved" people regardless of their religion ? Whether u believe in Jesus is immaterial if he really want to help people. He demand people to believe in him
THEN he give out help. The word
THEN in the previous statement is very important. It is a condition.
From wat I see, it is not an offer, it is a order, demand or trade watever u call it. If u still wanna go around in circles and refuse to answer why doesn't he give out help regardless of religion, which will then make it into a real gift, then there is nothing left to be said.
WHy don't both sides stop giving example to confuse the people but by just answering my question ?
About the babies going to heaven question.
Adam and Ever realized they were naked after they had sin. Babies are not accountable coz they do not know sin. And if a baby is not baptized, he or she still goes to heaven. Baptism of a baby is more of a committment of the parents they want their child to grow up as a christian. That is why most people get baptized a second time as adults. Baptism is a symbol of washing, true baptism is from the holy spirit.
However there is not wat the bible or catholic says about baptised. They say tat if babies are not baptised and die, then they will go to limbo. Limbo should be somewhere worse than hell where there appears to have nothing. Care to explain anything about limbo ?
but life is given and it's not for us to end it.
ABout Jenny question, it is not without merits. Life is given, it is not for us to end it. However if I LOVE my child and want him to go to heaven instead of staying in human hell, then I should kill him straight away,
throwing all the sins to myself, or condemn to be forever in hell while enabling my child to raise to heaven. As wat guest as said, babies have no sins and go direct to heaven. Why not do tis ?
Forgiveness generally needs a few elements. The offender's acknowlegment of his wrongdoing, a person's willingness to forgive, and the offender's acceptance/embracement of the forgiveness. If the offender chooses not to accept the forgiveness, even when the other party is willing to forgive, then the offender will not be liberated by the forgiving act.
Is tat so ? If the person is not willing to accept he is wrong, then it means they cannot be forgiven ? If A was knocked down by B accidentally and caused him to fell down, if B never apologise or admit he is wrong, A can NEVER NEVER EVER forgive B even though it is a small incident ? If I accidentally said something tat offend u, and I never apologise or admit I am wrong, I can never ever be forgiven ? If for the previous example, someone says he "forgiven" me and I rebuked it, does tat means u must bear it in your heart and never ever forgive me ?
Isn't just forgiveness from one party enough ? Don't we always do tat ? Somewhere somehow there will always be small minor mishap tat we forgive the other party without fulfilling all these strange criteria. Why need so many "criteria" ?
BTW wat had we done tat need to be forgiven ?Jesus came with a mission, to complete the act of redemption. For us to be reconciled with God, He had to sacrifice His life. He did his part on the cross. The act of forgiveness was finished on the cross. He finished His mission on earth.
And wat had been changed ? Life goes on and nothing is different. How do u know he is wat he claims ? Before he appears, there doesn't seems to have a problem of all people "sinning" and need forgiveness etc. It is only after he appears then he says men have sinned and need forgiveness. Doesn't tat sounds fishy ?
And did Jesus die for you. The answer is yes. He died for all. The next question on why he died. He died to pay for the sins of mankind. And why does someone need to pay? Coz the wages of sin is death. Jesus paid the debt for our sins whether you accept the fact that he paid or not that is the question.
How do u know he die for all ? Do u understand how God think or work ? Just say "Yes" doesn't sound convincing or rational. Pay for the sins of mankind ? Pay to who and how ? To his own father by by being killed by his own father ! Doesn't tat sounds illogical ? His father could have just forgive, or "remove" the debt easily. Why kill his own son before "removing" the debts ?
It is not a free lunch ... 'cos you have to eat the humble pie. Are you willing to eat it?
So u r trying to say u have to eat "humble pie" before getting the "free lunch" ? Then sorry man, this lunch comes with a price (eating humble pies) and is no longer free.
I do belive I get it and belive in it. I'm not talking about the bank I am talking about Jesus paying the debt. Like in my bad example Jesus paid the wages. The money left in the bank in example is refering to the fact that salavtion is there. Whether you except or not then will lead to you going to heaven or not. Everyone is gonna have eternal life, only depends on where.
When u put money in the bank, u can get a receipt or confirmation from the bank tat the money is there. Otherwise u may work like sh!t and all for nothing. If u work in a company, and he tell u tat he is putting money into the bank, will u go and check out if the money is in ? Of course u will check ! Just believing blindly to wat your employers say is naive.