And your point being? Especially with regards to the words highlighted. I dont challenge the fact Peter said that, but the fact you use them with reference to the topic here.Originally posted by NeonTetra:...then know this, you and all the people of Israel: It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified but whom God raised from the dead, that this man stands before you healed. 11He is
" 'the stone you builders rejected,
which has become the capstone. 'Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved."
Acts 4:10-12
Taken from Acts chapter 4, the religious authorities approached Peter and John because these 2 were preaching to the people and proclaiming the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. The religious people also heard that Peter actually healed a crippled beggar and restored his ability to walk.
They finally decided to summon the disciples before them and question them. Peter answer to their interrogation follows and the verse 10-12 talks about Jesus being rejected and crucified by people and ironically that very name of Jesus is the power which enables the healing of the crippled beggar.
Peter further emphasise that the only way that a person can be saved is none other than the name of Jesus Christ.
Originally posted by laurence82:And your point being? Especially with regards to the words highlighted. I dont challenge the fact Peter said that, but the fact you use them with reference to the topic here.
Originally posted by laurence82:Neon,
regarding your last post, do you see they can potentially add fuel to the flames?
DIsregarding whether such statements are uttered by the two disciples, putting out such post is tantamount to implicating the Jews, will this help in our present global conflicts? Already, the Jewish community have raised objections to the movie Passion.
Secondly, at that time this part of the Bible refers to situation between the Jews and Christians, which I do not want to dig up.
Now, its between Christians and non-believers, which include Buddhists, Taoist, Hindus and people of other beliefs.
Sure as hell, other beliefs would have some form of evangelism. What I meant is why would this topic come out, and such statements be uttered by you and other forumnites?
Spread the Gospels by our actions and thoughts would be better than reflecting on the actions of non believers, and what is God judgement on them.
Yes, I seriously agree such a scenario can be applied in the Palestine at that time, but you must consider our world now. Its no longer that simple. Therefore, its wise to consider and reflect upon our words and actions when spreading the teachings of Christ.
You are right. Unity here is important, and differences and similarities can be celebrated. It doesn't really matter whether you're a Methodist, Anglican, Lutheran, Baptist or Catholic. However, you use the example of "cults or breakaway fractions" which I feel is problematic. Are you suggesting the mainstream church should celebrate these differences?Originally posted by talk_cock:Even now, there are many denominations in Christianity, and some will even denounce others as “cults or breakaway fractions”. If the goal was one of Unity, then there will not be such troubles. Differences can be celebrated; similarities and also be celebrated.
So where does these leave us? Christian truth is inside the truth of other religions, but the truth of other religions is rejected by Christians.You like talking in circles, but what's your point? You seem to advocate unity, that each of them reflects a part of the truth, and we should combine them to see the whole truth? Please correct my interpretation.
Originally posted by cordof3strands:You talking about me?
Songs -- you do know satan loves any public dispute over religion, so do not worry too much about the ruckus caused here. It's merely the work of the evil one, who uses pride and "philosophy" and "logic" to steal the truth, even the truth about Truth.
Originally posted by Icemoon:
If you have understood that the situation is problematic, then it will help you see that how uniformity cannot be a solution, because uniformity cannot even be achieved by fractions within Christianity. And so what happens even if you can convert the whole world to Christianity? They will still be differences, perhaps magnified many times over. The smaller problem cannot be solved by this approach; do you think that the bigger problem can be solved by this approach? And so I am saying, use a different approach to solve the bigger problem first, then handle the smaller problem later.
You like talking in circles, but what's your point? You seem to advocate unity, that each of them reflects a part of the truth, and we should combine them to see the whole truth? Please correct my interpretation.
How can one be the First and the Last? On a circle, the first is also the last, because it has no beginning and no end. If you can see the global Truth, then see the Truth. If you cannot see the Truth, at least know that there are many relative truths.
However, the problem here is that Christianity is an exclusive religion and preaches exclusive salvation through Jesus Christ. If you realize, this is the only "rule" in Christianity, that you must acknowledge the Lord as your saviour. Hence your analogy of the blind men touching the elephant is inappropriate. You're assuming they all touch a different part of the elephant and all religions reflect a different aspect of the truth or reality. But is this the case? If two blind men touch the tail and describe it differently, how do you 'unify'?
Even in Christianity, there is ongoing debate about what it means to be saved. (see: When you say “exclusive”, you have missed completely, the moral of the story is that there are “many”, because each of the blind man believes that his own representation of the elephant is “exclusive”. Blindness symbolises ignorance. And because the blind cannot see, he keeps saying the elephant is like a snake, to which those who can see knows that it is not true. And the two blind men who touch the tail can unify when their blindness is removed. Then they see the whole elephant. If they do not see the whole elephant, then two fools walk around saying that elephants look like a snake!
Hindus accept God in any form? Appear in any form devotee is comfortable with? So if the devotee is not comfortable, the 'form' is not God? So Jesus can be God or not God at the same time, depending on the 'mood' of the devotee?
Many Christians tell me that God is loving. Every year, the world is wrecked by natural and man-made disasters, there are the deformed, sick and homeless and Christians go on telling me that God is loving. A beautiful verse: “Whoever does not love does not know God, for God is love.” Now, read it again and change it to “God is loving”, then it becomes ugly. If God is loving, and a person slaps you, then you can kill the person and God can forgive you, because God is loving.
No, God is Love. The Bible says so, and Christians misinterpret that God is loving. If a person slaps you, and you have Love in you, then you will at least ask for a reason. If you have no Love in you, you will fight without even asking for the reason. And it is more true to say Love is God, because God is not only Love, but also Light, Truth, etc. God is Love, but I never corrected Christians who keep telling me God is loving. What happens when Christians say God is loving? They take Love, personified it as a person God and say God is loving, they just stopped short of building a statue. Why would Christians do that? Because they are more comfortable with a particular form than a formless God. So if you can accept that God is loving, you can also accept statues of Virgin Mary, Buddha, Shiva, Guanyin, etc. They are just forms to represent the formless.
And your Tao De Jing analogy is inappropriate. Good and Evil are both in Tao, but God is only good, no evil, so you can't substitute the word Tao with God.
I would have thought that God is an ocean, Tao is also an ocean. But if you like, you can think of God as a sea, Tao as an ocean, and for me, both are Water.
All religions are true in a way. Such a vague statement cannot be argued to any satisfaction.
Everything can be argued. If I type vaguely, one can argue that I am not detailed enough. If I type in details, one can argue that I am beating around the bush. But what purpose does argument serve? I was looking for agreement, agreement brings me satisfaction. You were looking for argument, argument brings you satisfaction?
No wayyyyy! you'd know if you were.Originally posted by talk_cock:You talking about me?
So i have become satan's henchman?![]()
If you have understood that the situation is problematic, then it will help you see that how uniformity cannot be a solution, because uniformity cannot even be achieved by fractions within Christianity.This is a strawman. Who says uniformity is a solution? Christians acknowledge that there is no uniformity within denominations, so they won't expect uniformity even if they can convert the whole world.
And so what happens even if you can convert the whole world to Christianity? They will still be differences, perhaps magnified many times over.Agree. Catholics and Protestants will still bicker over theology and the likes.
The smaller problem cannot be solved by this approach; do you think that the bigger problem can be solved by this approach?This is a potential fallacy of composition in logic.
How can one be the First and the Last?There's no need to use your circle to explain such common-sensical idea. Picture this. If a class has only 1 student, won't the student be first ... and yet last in class position?
Even in Christianity, there is ongoing debate about what it means to be saved. (see: you can't ignore the fact, when christians evangelise, they only list down one "rule", that you open your heart and acknowledge the Lord as your saviour. Don't throw a red herring and lead us to bicker over the nuances of theology. While Catholics and Protestants may bicker over the nature of Mother Mary, or whether good works contributes to salvation, no one doubts that only acknowledging the Lord as your saviour is a necessary condition for salvation.
When you say ¡°exclusive¡±, you have missed completelyMy point is about Christianity being mutually incompatible with other religions. While Islam and Judaism are also mutually incompatible, Christianity is stricter since it preaches exclusive salvation through Christ.
, the moral of the story is that there are ¡°many¡±, because each of the blind man believes that his own representation of the elephant is ¡°exclusive¡±.I don't see how the blind men in the analogy can represent the religions in the world. Buddhism, IMHO, doesn't believe itself to be exclusive. And it is surely not ignorant.
And the two blind men who touch the tail can unify when their blindness is removed.What do you suggest to remove the blindness?
Many Christians tell me that God is loving. Every year, the world is wrecked by natural and man-made disasters, there are the deformed, sick and homeless and Christians go on telling me that God is loving.Ah, the problem of evil. How to reconcile a loving God with the state of affairs now. Heehee.
A beautiful verse: ¡°Whoever does not love does not know God, for God is love.¡± Now, read it again and change it to ¡°God is loving¡±, then it becomes ugly.
If God is loving, and a person slaps you, then you can kill the person and God can forgive you, because God is loving.How does this relate to the verse (from 1 John?) you quoted? Or is this a sarcastic remark?
No, God is Love. The Bible says so, and Christians misinterpret that God is loving.Is this a nuance of the English language? The subtle differences between 'God is Love' and 'God is loving'?
And it is more true to say Love is God, because God is not only Love, but also Light, Truth, etc.This is stretching my logic. How do you arrive at the conclusion that Love is God? Surely God being Love, Light, Truth, and what you can think of, doesn't lead to that conclusion?
Because they are more comfortable with a particular form than a formless God.Do Christians think that God is formless without the personification that you suggested? This is not the God of philosophy but the God who leaves his mark in history.
So if you can accept that God is loving, you can also accept statues of Virgin Mary, Buddha, Shiva, Guanyin, etc. They are just forms to represent the formless.Wah, your argument makes big leap of reasoning. I need more time to ponder over it. Let's hope your next reply shed more light on the argument.
I would have thought that God is an ocean, Tao is also an ocean. But if you like, you can think of God as a sea, Tao as an ocean, and for me, both are Water.Interesting. Look at what the Gospel of John has to say:
Everything can be argued. If I type vaguely, one can argue that I am not detailed enough.True.
If I type in details, one can argue that I am beating around the bush.Well, you have to ask yourself, are you beating around the bush? Surely not everyone with detailed arguments are beating around the bush?
But what purpose does argument serve? I was looking for agreement, agreement brings me satisfaction. You were looking for argument, argument brings you satisfaction?I was looking for logical arguments, not the bickering and useless rhetoric that characterise some people. Not referring to you lah.
Of course, there are and will be happy and good people.. christians and non-christians. I don't seek to outshine them in any way, I just live my life accordinglyOriginally posted by Icemoon:How, may I ask?
How do you use your lifestyle to convert strangers? I'm sure there're many good non-christians around anyway, so what makes your lifestyle shine over theirs, to warrant an interest in your faith?
to preach the gospel to the nations?Originally posted by Icemoon:In what way do you think you're following the Great Commission then?
Please Leave us alone.Originally posted by songs:Hi guys. question.. as Christians we r told to spread the gospels rite. anyway.. what happens to those who never had a chance to ear about the good news.. what happens??
i dun thnk anyone knows .. but wad r ur views?
Originally posted by cool_ridge:Usually in the Medical Waste Bin.
[b[ Its just the same with aborted babies...where do they go?[/b]