Received this through an email. Thought it'd be good to put it up. Those who have other advices, feel free to add on

If you realize that you are burned out with your career, this doesn't make you bad or alone. Most folks have experienced career burnout at least once in their work lives. However, it is not a fun or freeing feeling. Luckily, you can avoid or overcome career burnout. The following are suggestions to help you stay away from the big, bad, burnout!
*1. Form meaningful relationships with clear boundaries with your associates.*Get to know and appreciate the people with whom you interact. Also, set and maintain clear boundaries for expected behaviors and communications with your associates. The closer you are to the people with whom you interact with daily, the more enjoyable your work life will be, and the more you will look forward to future daily interactions with these same people.
*2. Be creative. *Is there a new, creative way to add a twist to what you do? Constantly look for ways to implement creativity to your daily responsibilities and tasks. This creativity will help you stay engaged in your business or career.
*3. Change your environment regularly. *Rearrange and clean your work environment. Change your daily routines. Change whatever you can afford to change. This regular change will keep your energy renewed and invigorated.
*4. Find a way to have fun.*Tell an occasional joke. Find the humor in different situations. The more fun you and your associates have, the more productive and happy you will all be.
*5. Challenge yourself regularly.*Do not get stuck in the same old grind. If you can do your work with your eyes closed, it is time to look for a way to challenge yourself to somehow improve your performance. Setting and achieving specific work goals will help challenge you to stay excited and engaged in what you are doing.
*6. Let go of unrealistic expectations.*You may be putting undo pressure and stress on yourself by having unrealistic expectations of what you are capable of producing. The key is to challenge yourself while still maintaining realistic expectations.
*7. Be grateful and appreciative. *When you focus on what you have to be grateful and appreciative for, you will continue to get more of what can be appreciated. Gratitude and appreciation are powerful positive motivating factors that will help you continue to enjoy your career.
*8. Communicate and clear up miscommunications or hard feelings.*Relationship discord, miscommunications, and/or hurt feelings left unresolved become hardened to the point that they clog up the work atmosphere and make your relationships unstable, resentful, and petrified. Communicate your discord, perceptions or hurt feelings directly with the person involved. If that still doesn't work, address your issues with your human resources manager or any other person who can support you in resolving your workplace discord.
*9. Take regular vacations. *Give yourself well needed time away from your work. Regular vacations serve to revitalize your energy and your attitude. Pulling away from your work from time to time also helps you to gain a well-rounded positive perspective towards your business or work.
*10. Get a different job or open a different business.*If you've tried everything you can imagine to renew your passion for your work, but continue to experience career burnout, it may be that your soul is calling you to new career or business opportunities. In this case, do your homework, and attain a different job, career, or business that suits your needs and your personality.
As you go through your career travels and experiences, just remember that no job or career is 100% perfect. There are challenges in every situation. However, it is possible to avoid or overcome business or career burnout.