Originally posted by BroInChrist:It's a shame that you did not read properly.
"Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."
So where is the part that says be cheerful when you give? Not happy then don't give?
Can you guys for one agree on what in the OT is applicable and what in the OT is not applicable?
Because some of you say ten commandments, tithing are applicable, some say no.
Some say parts of the OT is applicable, some say no.
It's really confusing, coming from people who claim to believe in the same God?
Originally posted by Tcmc:BIC
Can you guys for one agree on what in the OT is applicable and what in the OT is not applicable?
Because some of you say ten commandments, tithing are applicable, some say no.
Some say parts of the OT is applicable, some say no.
It's really confusing, coming from people who claim to believe in the same God?
Originally posted by BroInChrist:
Even if we agree, so what to you? You going to be a Christian again? Come off it, that disagreement happens was NEVER the reason you left the faith, nor a good reason for doing so. Your shallow grounding in the faith is your cause of your confusion.
1. I never said anything about becoming a christian again if all christians agree. But is that the point??
2. In fact, the thousands of disagreements between christians IS one of the reasons that affects the credibility of christianity as a religion, and that was one of the reasons i decided to leave. :)
I just hope you can give me some answers as to why the same god can tell different christians that different parts of the OT are applicable.
Can you dont skip my writings?
Originally posted by Tcmc:BIC
1. I never said anything about becoming a christian again if all christians agree. But is that the point??
2. In fact, the thousands of disagreements between christians IS one of the reasons that affects the credibility of christianity as a religion, and that was one of the reasons i decided to leave. :)
I just hope you can give me some answers as to why the same god can tell different christians that different parts of the OT are applicable.
Can you dont skip my writings?
Precisely! The point is not whether Christians agree on everything or not, the point is whether Christianity is true or false. The only justifiable reason for rejecting Christianity is because it is false, not because Christians fail to agree. Like I said, it is lame to use this as a reason to leave the faith. Our disagreement reflects our fallen human nature, we do not know everything which is why we disagree on lots of things. Also, failure to understand each other also accounts for disagreements. So don't be so simplistic to think that disagreement among Christians mean Christianity is false and thus must be rejected.
God's Word is objective. God is not telling us different things. Everyone reads the SAME text. But we interpret things differently. Why? Because no two persons are alike and each comes to the text with their own background and presuppositions and bias and prejudice etc etc. You would have known all this had you been better taught during CE lessons, or had you at least read some good books on Bible interpretation.
Originally posted by Tcmc:BIC,
Sure. your way of "properly understanding" is to pick out those OT verses you think are applicable and convenient and then chuck those inconvenient OT verses away.
If you claim that Jesus death has done away the old testament and old laws, why still use the ten commandments?Why still obey the sabbath? Why still use anti-gay laws in the OT? Why still quote from the OT if the laws are not applicable?
That's why I say your Bible knowledge is pathetic. I already told you that the 10 commandments are restated in the NT as "Love God, Love Neighour". Paul in the NT spoke against immorality including homosexuality. Again you need to read the Bible again, and intelligently. Seek help, don't Kay Kiang and think you can just read the Bible and know everything and understand everything. Consult Bible commentaries or read some good books, that should have been the things you did when you have doubts or problems with understanding the faith. You give up too easily. Or your roots were shallow and you were an easy target for the evil one to lead you astray.
Originally posted by Aneslayer:If one has decided in his/ her heart to give nothing, one will not be happy to give anything. Not happy, don't give. (which was what my ex-father-inlaw told me.)
Why did you ask something you obviously know (2Cor 9:7)?
My reply to SJS was to expose the fact that he misquoted the Bible or had wrong ideas about what the Bible actually teaches. But you couldn't let it go and had to post a snide remark thinking I was ignorant about this.
Originally posted by bycai:God dun love non cheerful giver, then what the different of God and human especially loanshark etc
Jesus only survived 3 years of his noble preaching to benefit mankind before being murdered. It's doubtful that Jesus will prescribe a medicine of10% commandment in Bible as Jesus knew insightfully that there are more less fortunate than affordable to fulfil that 10% for end to meet in a capitalism and materialism world. Besides, heaven is beyond dollars & cents, Jesus knows very well. Noble lord like Jesus surpassed worldly desire demanding for 10 percents, so that those contributed ascend to heaven and those defied bible 10% commandment descend into hell chancelessly for heavenly bliss and suffering in hell eternally, for both believers & non believers? Bible is saying that everyone heart of love is beyond materialism basis and will surely ascend to heaven if one aware and radically developing this love.
In buddhism scripture :
There's a whole world of difference between God and a loanshark!
If you give freely and voluntarily it is more likely that you are happy doing so, rather than if you were under compulsion to. The Bible is saying that God loves cheerful givers because such givers are not compelled to. I mean, even you would love a cheerful giver as compared to a long-faced grumpy one, isn't it? Giving in the Bible is about giving what you have.
But a loanshark is not about you giving what you have cheerfully, but about you paying back what you owe to them. Loansharks do not give a hoot whether you are cheerful or not. You are under compulsion to pay what you borrowed from them.
Originally posted by Tcmc:BIC
1. I never said anything about becoming a christian again if all christians agree. But is that the point??
2. In fact, the thousands of disagreements between christians IS one of the reasons that affects the credibility of christianity as a religion, and that was one of the reasons i decided to leave. :)
I just hope you can give me some answers as to why the same god can tell different christians that different parts of the OT are applicable.
Can you dont skip my writings?
2. broinchrist and I had to deal with that as well. It's ok to disagree on some things. Even broinchrist and I disagree with some things. For me the tithe is voluntary, for him the tithe is 100% gone. But It's a small thing. Not a matter of life and death. Scientists disagree with each other too. Not every scientist agree with Einstein's theory too, and it doesn't stop them from continuing their research and finding out the answer to their thesis.
Small things you can disagree. Big things you cannot. Things like salvation by faith, not by works. This is the basic, because if you don't know this, everything can be a basis for "hellfire" and will warp your theology. (If I don't tithe, will I go to hell?) Once you are sure that salvation is by faith in Jesus's finished work and nothing can add to it, then can you move on to other things.
The things of God are spiritually discerned -
that means it takes a spiritual person with spiritual eyes to see them.
If you will open your heart, God will find you and let you see the
answers you are looking for. You don't find truth, truth will find you.
That's when the conviction is real. And you know for sure and you don't
really need anyone to tell you.
God has more leeway than you
think, although he is absolute. There is such a thing as grace in
theology. (from where we get the word "gracious"). How can God be
absolute and "flexible" at the same time? I cannot explain it all in 1
sitting, but if you will open your heart and take step-by-step in faith,
more answers will come to you.
To answer your question why "the
same god can tell different christians that different part of the OT are
applicable". By that I take it that you mean why Christians don't
A few reasons, I will talk about the main ones. Because the Bible is a very thick tome of writings that nobody can finish in one go. It takes a length of time to read all of it. It took me 4 years to finish it. Reading it is one thing, processing what you read and understanding it is a different thing. There are times you can read something, but not really reading - kind of like your wife is talking to you, but you are not really listening, although you hear the words.
Because of this, most Christians rely on a Bible teacher (like a pastor) to preach and teach the word and sometimes this just produces people who only regurgitate what their pastor tell them. They need to double check it with the Bible to make sure if it tallies. (The Bereans in the Bible did this and so Scripture teaches us to do this, though not everyone obeys this scripture. Hence, sometimes incorrect things are passed down - as church tradition, etc.). You have every right to throw away anything that is taught that does not conform to scripture.
Another reason is: not everybody interprets the Bible correctly... because some verses *appear* to contradict one another.
of all, you must acknowledge that the book (Bible) as being of
supernatural origin. Although penned down by men, the content is
inspired. Just because someone is a Minister (like a pastor), has a Phd,
or has attended Bible college doesn't mean his interpretation is right,
you still have to check it. Because if the book is supernatural in
origin, it will take a supernatural force to unlock its secrets and to
understand it.
You have to understand. The Bible is hidden. To a
normal person, you will read it and find nothing meaningful and even
come to the wrong conclusions. So, one has to rely on the true Author to
reveal to him what it really means. What this means is that YOU HAVE TO PRAY. And God Himself will open your eyes to see. There's no description of this experience - it's like riding a bicycle. How do you know you have balance? It's just something natural.
Lastly, nobody knows
everything about the Bible. At most people know sizable chunks of the
truths in it. And the really really important ones. There are an inexhaustible amount of things hidden in the
Bible waiting to be revealed. If everyone knew everything, then He will
be exactly like Jesus, because He is the Word made flesh and that person
will know 100% what the book of Revelations is all about - the truth
is, no one knows all of the things, what some of the symbols mean in
Revelations. God reveals truths in stages, not all in one go. When you
are ready, He will bring you to the next stage (milk vs. solid food).
But salvation by faith in Jesus is the foundation. You cannot go on,
until you really know that one.
I cannot explain everything on this forum. It takes time to slowly uncover the scriptures bit by bit. The Bible is known to be like bread (man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God), you don't eat 1 year's worth of food in one go. You eat it in portions, and then you grow, from toddler (needing milk) to young child (who can take solid food), to a full grown adult. It's the same way. I hope I am making sense. And I pray Jesus reveals Himself to you in a personal way so you are acquainted with Him and His presence. Then, you don't need to be convinced by anyone and you won't be tossed to and fro (like the Bible says). You will have faith for yourself.
Originally posted by BroInChrist:My reply to SJS was to expose the fact that he misquoted the Bible or had wrong ideas about what the Bible actually teaches. But you couldn't let it go and had to post a snide remark thinking I was ignorant about this.
The fact that he didn't...
Originally posted by Aneslayer:The fact that he didn't...
Originally posted by BroInChrist:
Oh really? There was no misquote?
There was no misquote. There was only no quote.
His interpretation was not wrong... unless you would like say so...
Originally posted by Aneslayer:There was no misquote. There was only no quote.
His interpretation was not wrong... unless you would like say so...
Originally posted by BroInChrist:
Fact is, there is no verse that says be cheerful when you give. There is a verse though that says God loves a cheerful giver.
There was no misquote. There was only no quote.
His interpretation was not wrong... unless you would like say so...
Originally posted by Aneslayer:
There was no misquote. There was only no quote.
His interpretation was not wrong... unless you would like say so...
Of course I take issue with his interpretation. Any good exegete would. The context was entirely missed. This text had nothing to do with tithing, or giving to the church to fund buildings or pastoral salaries etc. The context was Paul's collection for the needy Christians in Jerusalem. The Corinthian believers were rich in spiritual gifts and Paul hopes that they will be rich and generous in their giving to the fellow saints in Jerusalem. But Paul wanted each believer to give freely and decide for himself how much to give, not under compulsion or with reluctance, so that their giving is done cheerfully. There is no joy in compulsion. Mandatory tithing is compulsion which would violate the notion of teaching that Paul taught. Note that Paul did not teach or say "Not happy then don't give." Instead he taught, "Give what you have decided to give."
Originally posted by Joe 328:
2. broinchrist and I had to deal with that as well. It's ok to disagree on some things. Even broinchrist and I disagree with some things. For me the tithe is voluntary, for him the tithe is 100% gone. But It's a small thing. Not a matter of life and death. Scientists disagree with each other too. Not every scientist agree with Einstein's theory too, and it doesn't stop them from continuing their research and finding out the answer to their thesis.
Small things you can disagree. Big things you cannot. Things like salvation by faith, not by works. This is the basic, because if you don't know this, everything can be a basis for "hellfire" and will warp your theology. (If I don't tithe, will I go to hell?) Once you are sure that salvation is by faith in Jesus's finished work and nothing can add to it, then can you move on to other things.
The things of God are spiritually discerned - that means it takes a spiritual person with spiritual eyes to see them. If you will open your heart, God will find you and let you see the answers you are looking for. You don't find truth, truth will find you. That's when the conviction is real. And you know for sure and you don't really need anyone to tell you.
God has more leeway than you think, although he is absolute. There is such a thing as grace in theology. (from where we get the word "gracious"). How can God be absolute and "flexible" at the same time? I cannot explain it all in 1 sitting, but if you will open your heart and take step-by-step in faith, more answers will come to you.
To answer your question why "the same god can tell different christians that different part of the OT are applicable". By that I take it that you mean why Christians don't agree?A few reasons, I will talk about the main ones. Because the Bible is a very thick tome of writings that nobody can finish in one go. It takes a length of time to read all of it. It took me 4 years to finish it. Reading it is one thing, processing what you read and understanding it is a different thing. There are times you can read something, but not really reading - kind of like your wife is talking to you, but you are not really listening, although you hear the words.
Because of this, most Christians rely on a Bible teacher (like a pastor) to preach and teach the word and sometimes this just produces people who only regurgitate what their pastor tell them. They need to double check it with the Bible to make sure if it tallies. (The Bereans in the Bible did this and so Scripture teaches us to do this, though not everyone obeys this scripture. Hence, sometimes incorrect things are passed down - as church tradition, etc.). You have every right to throw away anything that is taught that does not conform to scripture.
Another reason is: not everybody interprets the Bible correctly... because some verses *appear* to contradict one another.
First of all, you must acknowledge that the book (Bible) as being of supernatural origin. Although penned down by men, the content is inspired. Just because someone is a Minister (like a pastor), has a Phd, or has attended Bible college doesn't mean his interpretation is right, you still have to check it. Because if the book is supernatural in origin, it will take a supernatural force to unlock its secrets and to understand it.
You have to understand. The Bible is hidden. To a normal person, you will read it and find nothing meaningful and even come to the wrong conclusions. So, one has to rely on the true Author to reveal to him what it really means. What this means is that YOU HAVE TO PRAY. And God Himself will open your eyes to see. There's no description of this experience - it's like riding a bicycle. How do you know you have balance? It's just something natural.
Lastly, nobody knows everything about the Bible. At most people know sizable chunks of the truths in it. And the really really important ones. There are an inexhaustible amount of things hidden in the Bible waiting to be revealed. If everyone knew everything, then He will be exactly like Jesus, because He is the Word made flesh and that person will know 100% what the book of Revelations is all about - the truth is, no one knows all of the things, what some of the symbols mean in Revelations. God reveals truths in stages, not all in one go. When you are ready, He will bring you to the next stage (milk vs. solid food). But salvation by faith in Jesus is the foundation. You cannot go on, until you really know that one.I cannot explain everything on this forum. It takes time to slowly uncover the scriptures bit by bit. The Bible is known to be like bread (man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God), you don't eat 1 year's worth of food in one go. You eat it in portions, and then you grow, from toddler (needing milk) to young child (who can take solid food), to a full grown adult. It's the same way. I hope I am making sense. And I pray Jesus reveals Himself to you in a personal way so you are acquainted with Him and His presence. Then, you don't need to be convinced by anyone and you won't be tossed to and fro (like the Bible says). You will have faith for yourself.
Are you serious? You mean there are only 2 denominations in christianity? (you and BIC)???
You didn't know there are other christianity denominations who will disagree with you regarding method of salvation, person of jesus and nature of resurection?
Joe, you need to read up more on the other christian denominations which disagree with you regarding who jesus is.
And i don't think you should say that these denominations are not christians just because they believe differently from you.
Originally posted by Joe 328:
2. broinchrist and I had to deal with that as well. It's ok to disagree on some things. Even broinchrist and I disagree with some things. For me the tithe is voluntary, for him the tithe is 100% gone. But It's a small thing. Not a matter of life and death. Scientists disagree with each other too. Not every scientist agree with Einstein's theory too, and it doesn't stop them from continuing their research and finding out the answer to their thesis.
Small things you can disagree. Big things you cannot. Things like salvation by faith, not by works. This is the basic, because if you don't know this, everything can be a basis for "hellfire" and will warp your theology. (If I don't tithe, will I go to hell?) Once you are sure that salvation is by faith in Jesus's finished work and nothing can add to it, then can you move on to other things.
The things of God are spiritually discerned - that means it takes a spiritual person with spiritual eyes to see them. If you will open your heart, God will find you and let you see the answers you are looking for. You don't find truth, truth will find you. That's when the conviction is real. And you know for sure and you don't really need anyone to tell you.
God has more leeway than you think, although he is absolute. There is such a thing as grace in theology. (from where we get the word "gracious"). How can God be absolute and "flexible" at the same time? I cannot explain it all in 1 sitting, but if you will open your heart and take step-by-step in faith, more answers will come to you.
To answer your question why "the same god can tell different christians that different part of the OT are applicable". By that I take it that you mean why Christians don't agree?A few reasons, I will talk about the main ones. Because the Bible is a very thick tome of writings that nobody can finish in one go. It takes a length of time to read all of it. It took me 4 years to finish it. Reading it is one thing, processing what you read and understanding it is a different thing. There are times you can read something, but not really reading - kind of like your wife is talking to you, but you are not really listening, although you hear the words.
Because of this, most Christians rely on a Bible teacher (like a pastor) to preach and teach the word and sometimes this just produces people who only regurgitate what their pastor tell them. They need to double check it with the Bible to make sure if it tallies. (The Bereans in the Bible did this and so Scripture teaches us to do this, though not everyone obeys this scripture. Hence, sometimes incorrect things are passed down - as church tradition, etc.). You have every right to throw away anything that is taught that does not conform to scripture.
Another reason is: not everybody interprets the Bible correctly... because some verses *appear* to contradict one another.
First of all, you must acknowledge that the book (Bible) as being of supernatural origin. Although penned down by men, the content is inspired. Just because someone is a Minister (like a pastor), has a Phd, or has attended Bible college doesn't mean his interpretation is right, you still have to check it. Because if the book is supernatural in origin, it will take a supernatural force to unlock its secrets and to understand it.
You have to understand. The Bible is hidden. To a normal person, you will read it and find nothing meaningful and even come to the wrong conclusions. So, one has to rely on the true Author to reveal to him what it really means. What this means is that YOU HAVE TO PRAY. And God Himself will open your eyes to see. There's no description of this experience - it's like riding a bicycle. How do you know you have balance? It's just something natural.
Lastly, nobody knows everything about the Bible. At most people know sizable chunks of the truths in it. And the really really important ones. There are an inexhaustible amount of things hidden in the Bible waiting to be revealed. If everyone knew everything, then He will be exactly like Jesus, because He is the Word made flesh and that person will know 100% what the book of Revelations is all about - the truth is, no one knows all of the things, what some of the symbols mean in Revelations. God reveals truths in stages, not all in one go. When you are ready, He will bring you to the next stage (milk vs. solid food). But salvation by faith in Jesus is the foundation. You cannot go on, until you really know that one.I cannot explain everything on this forum. It takes time to slowly uncover the scriptures bit by bit. The Bible is known to be like bread (man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God), you don't eat 1 year's worth of food in one go. You eat it in portions, and then you grow, from toddler (needing milk) to young child (who can take solid food), to a full grown adult. It's the same way. I hope I am making sense. And I pray Jesus reveals Himself to you in a personal way so you are acquainted with Him and His presence. Then, you don't need to be convinced by anyone and you won't be tossed to and fro (like the Bible says). You will have faith for yourself.
"First of all, you must acknowledge that the book (Bible) as being of supernatural origin"
Lol. So we have to make an assumptio first before studying the bible?
Also, you didn't get what I asked.
How can the same god be telling church A that tongues is biblical and telling church B that tongues is not biblical?
Then you tell one church is wrong. But both churches use the same methods - praying, reading scripture, quoting scripture.
Originally posted by BroInChrist:
Of course I take issue with his interpretation. Any good exegete would. The context was entirely missed. This text had nothing to do with tithing, or giving to the church to fund buildings or pastoral salaries etc. The context was Paul's collection for the needy Christians in Jerusalem. The Corinthian believers were rich in spiritual gifts and Paul hopes that they will be rich and generous in their giving to the fellow saints in Jerusalem. But Paul wanted each believer to give freely and decide for himself how much to give, not under compulsion or with reluctance, so that their giving is done cheerfully. There is no joy in compulsion. Mandatory tithing is compulsion which would violate the notion of teaching that Paul taught. Note that Paul did not teach or say "Not happy then don't give." Instead he taught, "Give what you have decided to give."
And you are taking issues on a non believers' intepretation when SJS was addressing to Mancha and you have to intervene by shoving your biblical knowledge unsolicitedly....
What SJS said"
There is one verse in thebible that says be cheerful when you give. " relates to his interpretation of the bible verse which correspong to Paul's "... for God loves a cheerful giver."
What SJS said"
If one is unhappy to give then don't give. Anyway, not everyone has then means to give 10 percent. " Relates only to his opinion, which I sumise, he meant when one is compelled to give beyond one's means in the name of God(0), that would render one cheerless and risk one being not loved by God if one actually giveth.
No one is worthy of salvation. No one.
Originally posted by Aneslayer:And you are taking issues on a non believers' intepretation when SJS was addressing to Mancha and you have to intervene by shoving your biblical knowledge unsolicitedly....
What SJS said" There is one verse in thebible that says be cheerful when you give. " relates to his interpretation of the bible verse which correspong to Paul's "... for God loves a cheerful giver."
What SJS said" If one is unhappy to give then don't give. Anyway, not everyone has then means to give 10 percent. " Relates only to his opinion, which I sumise, he meant when one is compelled to give beyond one's means in the name of God(0), that would render one cheerless and risk one being not loved by God if one actually giveth.
No one is worthy of salvation. No one.
Eh Bic, if you want to take in context everything in the bible like how you "take in context", then nothing is applicable la.
The ten commandments not applicable. The "love your neighbour" also not applicable as jesus was speaking to the jews 2000 years ago.
A message for the jews only.
Originally posted by Tcmc:BIC
Eh Bic, if you want to take in context everything in the bible like how you "take in context", then nothing is applicable la.
The ten commandments not applicable. The "love your neighbour" also not applicable as jesus was speaking to the jews 2000 years ago.
A message for the jews only.
Interpreting the Bible in context is not to be confused with the implication or application of it. Interpretation comes before application. Only when you have properly exegeted the text, in its immediate context and the larger context of the Bible, then can you ask the next question, is this applicable today? Problem for you is that you did not even get the interpretation step right. Did anyone teach you about inductive Bible study? Did you read books like "How to Read the Bible For All It's Worth" by Gordon Fee? Go read it.
Originally posted by BroInChrist:Interpreting the Bible in context is not to be confused with the implication or application of it. Interpretation comes before application. Only when you have properly exegeted the text, in its immediate context and the larger context of the Bible, then can you ask the next question, is this applicable today? Problem for you is that you did not even get the interpretation step right. Did anyone teach you about inductive Bible study? Did you read books like "How to Read the Bible For All It's Worth" by Gordon Fee? Go read it.
Yea i don't know about how christians "officially" interpret verses to see if they are applicable or not (I am sure many christians do not know how to too) But i see a trend in how christians interpret the verses. Correct me if i am wrong.
To christians, what I have noticed is basically there 3 reasons why they do not obey/practice certain verses, The 3 reasons are not applicable, not literal or out of context.
I noticed also that verses in the OT or NT that are inconvenient or "extreme" in nature are mostly considered irrelevant, not applicable or not literal. Example: Verses in the OT include those those that talk about tithing 10%, stoning, warring against unbelievers etc. Verses in the NT include cutting off limbs if one sins, giving all away to pick up the cross of jesus, turning the other cheek for enemy to hit are all irrelevant, not applicable or not literal.
Do you notice this trend too?
Originally posted by Tcmc:BIC
Yea i don't know about how christians "officially" interpret verses to see if they are applicable or not (I am sure many christians do not know how to too) But i see a trend in how christians interpret the verses. Correct me if i am wrong.
To christians, what I have noticed is basically there 3 reasons why they do not obey/practice certain verses, The 3 reasons are not applicable, not literal or out of context.
I noticed also that verses in the OT or NT that are inconvenient or "extreme" in nature are mostly considered irrelevant, not applicable or not literal. Example: Verses in the OT include those those that talk about tithing 10%, stoning, warring against unbelievers etc. Verses in the NT include cutting off limbs if one sins, giving all away to pick up the cross of jesus, turning the other cheek for enemy to hit are all irrelevant, not applicable or not literal.
Do you notice this trend too?
The trend I see is the undermining of Biblical Authority caused by a departure in holding on to the inspiration, inerrancy, and infallibility of Scripture.
Originally posted by BroInChrist:No.
The trend I see is the undermining of Biblical Authority caused by a departure in holding on to the inspiration, inerrancy, and infallibility of Scripture.
You dont see that trend??
Why dont you read your bible, try to pick out those verses that are "extreme in nature" or "inconvenient" and find out for yourself how many of these verses are still being practised today.
Then pick out those verses that are more moderate and generally easy to practice and see how many of these verses are still being practised?
Anyway, I started this topic just to say that CHC as christians has a right to practice 10% tithing because they are merely obeying what is written in their Holy Book, the Bible.
So I don't see why other christians should be so offended by them practicing tithing and offering their first "fruits" to God.
Originally posted by Tcmc:BIC
You dont see that trend??
Why dont you read your bible, try to pick out those verses that are "extreme in nature" or "inconvenient" and find out for yourself how many of these verses are still being practised today.
Then pick out those verses that are more moderate and generally easy to practice and see how many of these verses are still being practised?
To talk about trend you must show some statistics right?
Originally posted by BroInChrist:To talk about trend you must show some statistics right?
You can do it very conveniently in the comfort of your house, with your bible.
I have done it before.