Originally posted by Short Ninja:
Yes ,hope is part of 'Delusion' but it does keep all people going even if it is one big bluff.Without hope we become you and that is scary>LOL
But some pple want to poke poke pple backside, then they happy.
Originally posted by AndrewPKYap:
Before you can talk about "the mind of the Almighty" you have to show proof of the existence of "the almighty"
You claim that if only people read the bible, they will know. Just look at the different sects that have read the bible.
The Roman Catholics claim they have read the bible and know. The Protestants claim that they have read and know. The Anglicans.... the Seventh Day Adventists... the Mormons... even the Muslims or at least their prophet since so much of the Koran is similar to the bible.
Even if Bill Gates do not come and see me himself there are enough proofs of his existence. Show me some proof of the existence of god.
You said that "miracles" cannot be replicated.
What do you do with claims that cannot be replicated? You believe it? No wonder christians pay 10% of their salaries... they will believe all sort of crap.
When people make claims that cannot be proven, cannot be replicated, cannot be observed (like that chap in this thread who said Buddhist chanting is beneficial to self and family), you put it aside. You pay no attention to it or read it like a Santa Claus story.
Why do you believe the bible which you admit does not come with proofs and evidence and not the Buddhists that say Chanting of the Sutras is beneficial to self and family but cannot back up their claims?
If you are going to believe rubbish, why don't you believe all the rubbish in the world?
Proof of existence of God is everywhere. But u already refuse to see it. Even with the scientific explainations u will continue to disbelieve. Because thats you. Ur heart is rock solid with cynicsm and skepticsm. You wont believe in Bill Gates if u dont want to believe even with all the evidence around you. You will only believe once u yourself want to open urself up to give the possibility, like u said, that 10% possibility that its wrong/right . U yourself answered that in previous posts and dont u see it ?
Replicating miracles is one thing, replication of the ressurection is also another thing.
If u really want me to go down to replicating of miracles, sure, there are some miracles that CAN be replicated, or theoretically through quantum physics. And it is not long before we fully understand down the subatomic levels.. and things will continue to get smaller. IF u know what quantumn physics is about, if not, i give u the low down on it.
Faith makes us believe in the Miracles of the Bible, when we are "scientific" scripture scholars, we will not.
Quantumn physics definately supports the idea of miracles happening. In the world o science, using quantumn physics , miracles happen "scientifically" and that is at a subatomic level all of material reality is supported not by atoms, but tubatmoic particles, one of wich is the quanta. The quanta particle is a chameleon, meaning that it changes in valence and function of a quanta particle. Literally mind over matter.
THe double slit experiment of quantumn physics shows a dispersion pattern that is impossible given ordinary newtownian physics assumptions. Morever, Bell's Theorem proves non-local communcation at a distance between atoms, thus making the idea of "psychic channeling" scienfitically possible. Additionally, if non-local communication is possible, and if subatomic particles ca change subatmoic particles non-locally at a distance, meaning a prayer can change subatomic particles non-locally at a distance, then it is certainly possible that atoms and molecules, and even cells, which are ultimately composes of subatomic particles could also change.
So when we talk about virgin birth scientifically possible, as well as moving large amounts of water, and healing the blind and the lame. THe foregoing is confirmed by the face that modern scientific prayer studies show that prayer provides a statistically significant diference in the healing of heart attack patients, quantumn particles, called quanta and the Quantum Field that they compose, can change matter physically. Underlygint material physical reality is not atmoic separateness, but instead the Quantum Ield masking itself as various subatomic particles. Thus, Miracles are not scientifically possible, but probable.
Not only are the modern "scientific" miracles of the microwave oven, the television, the computer, the gameboy, the playstation , the dvd player made possible with Quantumn Physics, so too are the "scientific" miracles of the virgin birth of Jesus.
I dont know if u are getting all this or not, but i am just here to properly logically and with reason and science, point to you the questions that we pose in a scientific point of view that not only helped us solve and answer all your answers you so now take for granted as, " scientific proof" , it also makes us wonder and always question the very nature of the biblical miracles and finding the answers for those can find answers for our future technological advances or the other way round.
You have always spoken with much skepticism, and cynicsm, but only as much optimism about your economical predictions. You feel so empowered by your correctness of your statistical datas your garnered and your experience through your years in the field. However you do not seem to put forth as much learned comprehension and understanding as you do here like u did in speakers corner. And i am a bit disappointed. I do not believe that you are 100% sure about exactly how the economic will go, you have a high possibility of it happening with data's and current trends and your expeirence in the market or perhaps a degree in economics for that matter. Thats about it. I can predict it with a 20% probability, but it takes as much FAITH as you did for you to be right. Unless you are also in ur "delusion" , you could hardly discount the fact that you are not 100% sure.Its like how duty cannot exist without faith. Something which maybe you know or dont, but surely u will deny when it comes to God and the bible.
Oh btw.. Santa Claus ? Now that is something i do not believe.
CSI and Conan the Barbarian. Both got the job done in the right ?
But sometimes, a lil faith... can go a long way. Thats why the difference between me and u will most probably be that u will die in a desert scenario, while i may survive a couple hundred yards more, or even miraclelously survive with my faith and scientific knowledge of my physiology and its limits.
Anyways, Happy New Year. I wont be around for the week. I be partying and having as much faith that the world wont blow in up in my face after the new year.
And one more thing, i dont curse, because we are told in the bible and morally that we dont go around cursing people, while u do, that just tells alot about a person u know. N dont tell me its not wrong to curse, or its o.k to curse someone You will definately not want ur kids to curse another or want me to curse you, but on the other hand, you can.
Originally posted by Larryteo:Besides, you are a buddhist right? Do you know that much of Buddha's original teachings are already gone? They are just passed down like that, with extras added to it. So it's not original. And so you believe in something that is not original and yet you claim it to be? And then , you say christians are stupid and arrogant. But look how ironic your words are. You fit the perfect description of what God calls a fool. Who says the bible does not describe God, when it is the word of God? The bible didn't come from man, it came from God. It is God's manifestation through man's handwriting.
The erroneous beliefs of Buddhism vary greatly from country to country, because over the past 2500 years, this religion has mingled with the various local religions, customs, and established cultures of countries into which it has spread. Today, the varieties of Buddhism practiced in Japan, China, Tibet, Sri Lanka, Vietnam and America are all quite different from one another.
In Tibet, the dissemination of Buddhist texts is one of the most important acts of worship. In particular, priests who have removed themselves from the world completely give themselves solely to this work. With no idea of the true nature of the afterlife, these people live out their worldly lives in vain pursuits.As historical sources show, Buddha always chose to speak about his basic tenets and deliver his way of worship orally; centuries of research has determined that he left behind no written texts. Buddhists maintain that his sermons were passed down orally from generation to generation for 400 years, until they were finally compiled in the Pali canon. However, most scholars believe that the great majority of these words are not Buddha's at all, but were added to in the course of centuries until they attained their present form. Therefore Buddhism, not relying on any written texts, underwent many changes and distortions over the course of time, being considerably reshaped by additions and omissions.
Buddhist philosophy denies the existence of God, but bases itself on a few aspects of human morality and on escaping from sufferings of this world. Without any intellectual or scientific support, it rests upon the twin concepts of karma and reincarnation-the idea that human beings are continually reborn into this world, that their subsequent lives are shaped by their behavior in their previous ones. No Buddhist scripture considers the existence of a Creator, much less how the universe, the world and living things came to be. No Buddhist text describes how the universe was created from nothing; or how living things came into being; or how to explain the evidence, to be seen everywhere in this world, of an incomparable creation. According to the Buddhist deception, it is not even necessary to think about these things! The only important thing in life, Buddhist texts claim, is suppressing desires, revering Buddha, and escaping from suffering.
As a religion, therefore, Buddhism suffers from a very narrow vision that keeps its believers from considering such basic questions as where they came from, or how the universe and all living things came to be. Indeed, it deters them from even thinking about these things and presses them into the narrow mold of their present earthly life.
Since you attacked my religion, I will also attack yours.
Buddhism enslaves its devotees in misty monasteries and forces them into a life of suffering and poverty. Strangely, it discourages good food, cleanliness, comfort-the blessings that God has created for human beings-accepts suffering as a virtue and advises its devotees to lead a miserable life.
For Buddhist monks and nuns, life is full of all kinds of difficulties. They are forbidden to work or own property, obliged to feed themselves by going from door to door and begging among the people, with their bowls in their hands. For this reason, Buddhist priests are even called bhikkhus (beggars) by the people. Buddhist priests are forbidden to marry or have any kind of family life; they may own only one robe, which must be of poor quality yellow or red cloth.
And so you say Christians are narrow-minded, stupid and idiotic. Now look which religion actually contributes more to the suffering of people. FOOL.
what a load of rubbish, nonsense. let me do the comparison here.
to go to heaven in your religion, accept Jesus and when you die, you will go to heaven, otherwise eternal hell for you. If this is not fear mongering or fear inducing, I dunno what is. even people like osama bin laden, for all his evils and extremism, will go to heaven if he accepts Jesus. to me, thats just a cheap ticket to heaven.
in the history of mankind, no other religion advocate the efforts of human beings obtaining their own salvation more than Buddhism. I would say 99% of the religions in the world all have the concept of god and salvation is thru that divine being ie promises of heaven and some even promises of virgins and nymphs. Buddhism did not say only buddhists will attain enlightenment and not other religions.
regarding about karma, it means actions and intentions and is not some concept belonging to Buddhism. if you do not believe in karma or rebirth, so be it, you wont go to hell if you dun believe it. in this sense, which are the more tolerant? even the Buddha admonished his followers not to believe his teachings and follow blindly, or out of respect for the teacher or tradition/custom, but to test and try it out onself. so who is the more dogma here? another comparison is there is no soul in Buddhism, but I would not discuss this. most of the religions all believe in a soul, but not buddhism. finally Buddha is a human being who achieved enlightenment and did not claim to be a divine being or the world and universe is created by him. then there are causes and effect and dependent origination, just to add on. the concept are a welcome change from the concept of world of god, satan, soul, heaven and hell.
Originally posted by Rooney9:what a load of rubbish, nonsense. let me do the comparison here.
to go to heaven in your religion, accept Jesus and when you die, you will go to heaven, otherwise eternal hell for you. If this is not fear mongering or fear inducing, I dunno what is. even people like osama bin laden, for all his evils and extremism, will go to heaven if he accepts Jesus. to me, thats just a cheap ticket to heaven.
in the history of mankind, no other religion advocate the efforts of human beings obtaining their own salvation more than Buddhism. I would say 99% of the religions in the world all have the concept of god and salvation is thru that divine being ie promises of heaven and some even promises of virgins and nymphs. Buddhism did not say only buddhists will attain enlightenment and not other religions.
regarding about karma, it means actions and intentions and is not some concept belonging to Buddhism. if you do not believe in karma or rebirth, so be it, you wont go to hell if you dun believe it. in this sense, which are the more tolerant? even the Buddha admonished his followers not to believe his teachings and follow blindly, or out of respect for the teacher or tradition/custom, but to test and try it out onself. so who is the more dogma here? another comparison is there is no soul in Buddhism, but I would not discuss this. most of the religions all believe in a soul, but not buddhism. finally Buddha is a human being who achieved enlightenment and did not claim to be a divine being or the world and universe is created by him. then there are causes and effect and dependent origination, just to add on. the concept are a welcome change from the concept of world of god, satan, soul, heaven and hell.
let larry mumble bah
i was comparing posts by believers and non believers alike
the non believers are amazed by the incredulity of the religion, while believers are uttering nonsense about other religion
he correctly pointed out people are attacking his religion, but i dont think they are uttering nonsense about his religion
Originally posted by BadzMaro:Proof of existence of God is everywhere. But u already refuse to see it. Even with the scientific explainations u will continue to disbelieve. Because thats you. Ur heart is rock solid with cynicsm and skepticsm. You wont believe in Bill Gates if u dont want to believe even with all the evidence around you. You will only believe once u yourself want to open urself up to give the possibility, like u said, that 10% possibility that its wrong/right . U yourself answered that in previous posts and dont u see it ?
Replicating miracles is one thing, replication of the ressurection is also another thing.
If u really want me to go down to replicating of miracles, sure, there are some miracles that CAN be replicated, or theoretically through quantum physics. And it is not long before we fully understand down the subatomic levels.. and things will continue to get smaller. IF u know what quantumn physics is about, if not, i give u the low down on it.
Faith makes us believe in the Miracles of the Bible, when we are "scientific" scripture scholars, we will not.
Quantumn physics definately supports the idea of miracles happening. In the world o science, using quantumn physics , miracles happen "scientifically" and that is at a subatomic level all of material reality is supported not by atoms, but tubatmoic particles, one of wich is the quanta. The quanta particle is a chameleon, meaning that it changes in valence and function of a quanta particle. Literally mind over matter.
THe double slit experiment of quantumn physics shows a dispersion pattern that is impossible given ordinary newtownian physics assumptions. Morever, Bell's Theorem proves non-local communcation at a distance between atoms, thus making the idea of "psychic channeling" scienfitically possible. Additionally, if non-local communication is possible, and if subatomic particles ca change subatmoic particles non-locally at a distance, meaning a prayer can change subatomic particles non-locally at a distance, then it is certainly possible that atoms and molecules, and even cells, which are ultimately composes of subatomic particles could also change.
So when we talk about virgin birth scientifically possible, as well as moving large amounts of water, and healing the blind and the lame. THe foregoing is confirmed by the face that modern scientific prayer studies show that prayer provides a statistically significant diference in the healing of heart attack patients, quantumn particles, called quanta and the Quantum Field that they compose, can change matter physically. Underlygint material physical reality is not atmoic separateness, but instead the Quantum Ield masking itself as various subatomic particles. Thus, Miracles are not scientifically possible, but probable.
Not only are the modern "scientific" miracles of the microwave oven, the television, the computer, the gameboy, the playstation , the dvd player made possible with Quantumn Physics, so too are the "scientific" miracles of the virgin birth of Jesus.
I dont know if u are getting all this or not, but i am just here to properly logically and with reason and science, point to you the questions that we pose in a scientific point of view that not only helped us solve and answer all your answers you so now take for granted as, " scientific proof" , it also makes us wonder and always question the very nature of the biblical miracles and finding the answers for those can find answers for our future technological advances or the other way round.
You have always spoken with much skepticism, and cynicsm, but only as much optimism about your economical predictions. You feel so empowered by your correctness of your statistical datas your garnered and your experience through your years in the field. However you do not seem to put forth as much learned comprehension and understanding as you do here like u did in speakers corner. And i am a bit disappointed. I do not believe that you are 100% sure about exactly how the economic will go, you have a high possibility of it happening with data's and current trends and your expeirence in the market or perhaps a degree in economics for that matter. Thats about it. I can predict it with a 20% probability, but it takes as much FAITH as you did for you to be right. Unless you are also in ur "delusion" , you could hardly discount the fact that you are not 100% sure.Its like how duty cannot exist without faith. Something which maybe you know or dont, but surely u will deny when it comes to God and the bible.
Oh btw.. Santa Claus ? Now that is something i do not believe.
CSI and Conan the Barbarian. Both got the job done in the right ?
But sometimes, a lil faith... can go a long way. Thats why the difference between me and u will most probably be that u will die in a desert scenario, while i may survive a couple hundred yards more, or even miraclelously survive with my faith and scientific knowledge of my physiology and its limits.
Anyways, Happy New Year. I wont be around for the week. I be partying and having as much faith that the world wont blow in up in my face after the new year.
And one more thing, i dont curse, because we are told in the bible and morally that we dont go around cursing people, while u do, that just tells alot about a person u know. N dont tell me its not wrong to curse, or its o.k to curse someone You will definately not want ur kids to curse another or want me to curse you, but on the other hand, you can.
I beg to differ from your statement that proof of god is everywhere. the second statement you chose not to see it, sad to say, sorely mistaken. depending on who you ask, if you ask god followers, they will say without doubt god exists. if you ask free thinkers, athiest, agnotists, they will tell you god is a concept invented by men.
if you can say god exists and you chose to ignore it, then I say to you that the concept of god was invented by men, why wasnt it plain for you to realise this and you willingly chose to believe in a religion who was ancient and primitive and 2009 years old to date.
Originally posted by Rooney9:I beg to differ from your statement that proof of god is everywhere. the second statement you chose not to see it, sad to say, sorely mistaken. depending on who you ask, if you ask god followers, they will say without doubt god exists. if you ask free thinkers, athiest, agnotists, they will tell you no god is a concept invented by men.
if you can say god exists and you chose to ignore it, then I say to you that the concept of god was invented by men, why wasnt it plain for you to realise this and you willingly chose to believe in a religion who was ancient and primitive and 2009 years old to date.
regarding about the resurrection, remember to ask god for the exact date and time Jesus is being resurrected.
It is everywhere both literally and metaphorically. When you look at the birds and animals, you dont see them as birds and animals, you question thier existence.
No doubt they do not believe, like i said again n again, the origins and everything explained through the view of the bible, but for you who did not read the bible, there is no point for you to understand, even if you do not want to understand or read, you already decided not to believe. So why still here ? Why still talking about our God ? Besides the fact that forum rules apply but since there is no mod, sure, i entertain your thoughts.
The notion of God is invented by men and then to say God doesnt exist is contradictory, because u cant contradict an affirmation. I thought u are all about logic, science and reason ? Your sentence is already fallible.
Given that religion, history is old, doesnt mean it doesnt exist and is wrong. Unless you are saying we do not believe in histoy and religion, and it is all wrong and never happened, u are again denying truth and facts, and become.. well, ignorant i your own delusion.
Well, when i die and see the Almighty, i dont think that will be the first question i ask or will be the question i will be asking There is so much more other things i will ask then the time and date of his ressurrection.
Originally posted by BadzMaro:It is everywhere both literally and metaphorically. When you look at the birds and animals, you dont see them as birds and animals, you question thier existence.
No doubt they do not believe, like i said again n again, the origins and everything explained through the view of the bible, but for you who did not read the bible, there is no point for you to understand, even if you do not want to understand or read, you already decided not to believe. So why still here ? Why still talking about our God ? Besides the fact that forum rules apply but since there is no mod, sure, i entertain your thoughts.
The notion of God is invented by men and then to say God doesnt exist is contradictory, because u cant contradict an affirmation. I thought u are all about logic, science and reason ? Your sentence is already fallible.
Given that religion, history is old, doesnt mean it doesnt exist and is wrong. Unless you are saying we do not believe in histoy and religion, and it is all wrong and never happened, u are again denying truth and facts, and become.. well, ignorant i your own delusion.
Well, when i die and see the Almighty, i dont think that will be the first question i ask or will be the question i will be asking There is so much more other things i will ask then the time and date of his ressurrection.
to use god to explain that everything and anything is created and willed by him is just plain too simplistic and devoid of coherence and science. cos god itself as a concept or supernatural divine being contains too much of a paradoxes. case in point, if he is so powerful, what makes him hold back from making the world like heaven and no one suffers from diseases, hunger, wars etc.
can you pls reply my question on this. if god is powerful, can he create something he cant lift? pls reply specifically on this qns.
Originally posted by Larryteo:Also, buddhism does not support that the universe had a beginning. But science proves that the universe did have a beginning. Thus, buddhism is false since it is unscientific. I am judging your religon with the way you judged mine. People like you can just fuck off and don't ever come back. Go lick your fat buddha's arse and suck his dick.
First of all, AndrewPKYap is not a Buddhist.
Second of all, all your statements about Buddhism is based on very obvious total misunderstandings of Buddhism. In short, it shows no understanding at all of what Buddhism is about, and I am not going to argue here as it is not the right venue.
Originally posted by An Eternal Now:First of all, AndrewPKYap is not a Buddhist.
Second of all, all your statements about Buddhism is based on very obvious total misunderstandings of Buddhism. In short, it shows no understanding at all of what Buddhism is about, and I am not going to argue here as it is not the right venue.
yes no point degrading as low as him.
Originally posted by Rooney9:to use god to explain that everything and anything is created and willed by him is just plain too simplistic and devoid of coherence and science. cos god itself as a concept or supernatural divine being contains too much of a paradoxes. case in point, if he is so powerful, what makes him hold back from making the world like heaven and no one suffers from diseases, hunger, wars etc.
can you pls reply my question on this. if god is powerful, can he create something he cant lift? pls reply specifically on this qns.
Sometimes, simple is good. But of course u want to be complicated. So, here we are. At our own complications.
Like i said again, the all powerful God, if he does that, we wouldnt be having this kind of interesting discussiong right ? He doesnt want robots. He wants free living humans with thier own will, to choose what is right and what is wrong. We are interesting creatures. Not boring mundance automatons.
Why does he want to create something he cant lift ? What is the rationale behind it ?
Ur question is a philosophy 124 question. Its like how does one with limited power give itself more power ? Can it ? Not in physics, but yes in legislation.
Originally posted by BadzMaro:Sometimes, simple is good. But of course u want to be complicated. So, here we are. At our own complications.
Like i said again, the all powerful God, if he does that, we wouldnt be having this kind of interesting discussiong right ? He doesnt want robots. He wants free living humans with thier own will, to choose what is right and what is wrong. We are interesting creatures. Not boring mundance automatons.
Why does he want to create something he cant lift ? What is the rationale behind it ?
Ur question is a philosophy 124 question. Its like how does one with limited power give itself more power ? Can it ? Not in physics, but yes in legislation.
your metaphors provided here are weak and not coherent. second my question is to point out therein lies the paradox of the concept. if you are powerful enough as to create the world and universe, whats stopping you to create something you cant lift. besides this is metaphorically speaking, I am not referring to the literary.
if you cant even see the paradox here, I truly rests my case.
Originally posted by Rooney9:yes no point degrading as low as him.
Yeah, love to poke poke pple only.
Originally posted by Rooney9:your metaphors provided here are weak and not coherent. second my question is to point out therein lies the paradox of the concept. if you are powerful enough as to create the world and universe, whats stopping you to create something you cant create. besides this is metaphorically speaking, I am not referring to the literary.
if you cant even see the paradox here, I truly rests my case.
Your mistake is you are trying to compartmentalize God. You are just human being. If you are God.. you would bitch slap the person who poses this question.
Its a paradox created by urself friend. You tring to bring God to your standard...
And my metaphors are not weak and incoherent. The Birds and Animals... simply, for u means to question thier existence, and ultimately the creation or the question of life itself. I think its more like you are not able to see in more detail and understanding of the question and answers itself.
Regarding God creating something he cant lift. So what if he does, he can still create something to lift what he cant lift right ? Your brain matter is only so much.. you are not Einstein. Even Einsten dare not to compartmentalize God.
You are not even god-like... maybe once you attain god-like, just maybe u can start to actually question. You dont understand man's stupidity. All its going to take is a Dengue mosquito to take you down and humble you.
Ur question itself already shows ur limitation of figuring out things. Man can create things they cant lift.. but they can create things to lift it. If u cant even understand THAT.. i truly and ultimately rest my case with you right now.
Originally posted by Rooney9:what a load of rubbish, nonsense. let me do the comparison here.
to go to heaven in your religion, accept Jesus and when you die, you will go to heaven, otherwise eternal hell for you. If this is not fear mongering or fear inducing, I dunno what is. even people like osama bin laden, for all his evils and extremism, will go to heaven if he accepts Jesus. to me, thats just a cheap ticket to heaven.
in the history of mankind, no other religion advocate the efforts of human beings obtaining their own salvation more than Buddhism. I would say 99% of the religions in the world all have the concept of god and salvation is thru that divine being ie promises of heaven and some even promises of virgins and nymphs. Buddhism did not say only buddhists will attain enlightenment and not other religions.
regarding about karma, it means actions and intentions and is not some concept belonging to Buddhism. if you do not believe in karma or rebirth, so be it, you wont go to hell if you dun believe it. in this sense, which are the more tolerant? even the Buddha admonished his followers not to believe his teachings and follow blindly, or out of respect for the teacher or tradition/custom, but to test and try it out onself. so who is the more dogma here? another comparison is there is no soul in Buddhism, but I would not discuss this. most of the religions all believe in a soul, but not buddhism. finally Buddha is a human being who achieved enlightenment and did not claim to be a divine being or the world and universe is created by him. then there are causes and effect and dependent origination, just to add on. the concept are a welcome change from the concept of world of god, satan, soul, heaven and hell.
What a load of bullshit! No enlightenment for you. You can go to buddhist hell.
Buddhism teaches that there are five (sometimes six) realms of rebirth, which can then be further subdivided into degrees of agony or pleasure.
dun feed the troll
Originally posted by Nelstar:Creation theory vs Evolution theory.
It is like arguing the creation of universe whether it is caused by big bang or God.
Science is 'perceived truth', God is 'imagined/believed truth'.
In any situation, absolute truth is found in mathematics. 1 + 1 is always 2. Unless you are some weird scientist or moron trying to imagine 1 + 1 is 3 or 11.
Perceived truth is limited by the understanding of mankind and is not absolute truth. Neither is imagined/believed truth absolute.
Some 7 or 6 years ago, I posted that the reason why I find scientific discovery boring is because, some other idiotic scientist will go and discover something new again.
It is like saying there is 3 basic colours. The light spectrum we are seeing may be the only type found currently and you are judging the light spectrum through the eyes of human.
It takes a lot of courage to stand up for evolution theory or creation theory.
You seem to have ignored the "best of the alternatives" concept.
Sure, some scientist will come up with a better interpretation of reality (with proofs, observations, evidence that can be replicated by anyone with the skill-set) as knowledge expands.
Once anyone comes up with evidence of god, of course I will accept the existence of god. Until then I would think it stupid and delusional to believe in things that do not come with scientific proofs. How can people believe things without evidence is weird.
In the meantime, I will accept what is state of the art discoveries of reality/the universe. I will not cling on to delusions just because people do not know everything.
The computer you are reading this on is a result of scientific discoveries. It is not the result of delusional thoughts.
Delusional thoughts can be comforting and uncertainty can be uncomfortable.
Just because delusional thoughts can be comforting and uncertainty uncomfortable, do you then cling on to delusions?
Originally posted by Larryteo:And why do you believe in the theory of evolution which is only a theory but not proven? Because it is publicised as a fact even when it is not? What proof do you have to say there is no proof of God's existence? Don't you know archeology verifies much of the bible? The number of findings that verify the bible are more than the findings which verify evolution. Oh yeah, evolution cannot be verified anyway. So you say the bible is rubbish. I say what you say is even more of rubbish, and also SHIT. Why? Because you believe that one day your TV will suddenly become alive and grow it's own wings. Have you even read the book Origin of the species? If not how do you know evolution is true? Have you read the bible either? If not how do you know it's false? If you are going to spread your propaganda here, go spread it in the atheist forums.
After this, you will say then why is it that evolution is so supported by many. But you do not look what happened backstage in those museums which display dinosaur bones. Do you know most of the so called ''half man and monkey'' displays there are fake? The evolutionists only find one bone in the sand, and then they assume it is a body part of a prehistoric human, and the displays are actually part of their imagination to cover up the missing links. When you ask an evolutionist ''can we observe evolution these days?'' they will say yes, and use macro-evolution as a factor. But no, macro-evolution is not evolution, it is just an animal's body adaptation towards some disease. We don't see that the animal cross-breed from a cat to a dog.
After that again, the evolutionist will argue that our genes are 98% similar to chimps. But humans share 50% of their genes with bananas. So humans are half banana? Then they will ask why is it we look like monkeys. But a snake looks like a worm. So snakes are from worms too? ABSURD.
Thus, with the way evolutionists fail to proof evolution, I deduce evolution is false, for evolution is not observable, and not proven either.
IF, as evolutionists claim, the earth is billions of years old, and mankind has evolved from a lower and simpler form of life, then why has mankind gone from writing upon stones to laser printers in just the past 3,500 years? When God gave Moses the Ten Commandments, they were written upon stone. It is abundantly clear that the Egyptians carved messages into stone (hieroglyphics). So why is it that mankind has only discovered better inventions in the past few thousand years? If mankind had evolved, as evolutionists claim, then why didn't man discover ink a million years ago? Think about it. This is an astonishing thought--There were NO planes, cars, computers, refrigerators, electricity, lights, gas, powered-equipment, telephones, recording devices, CD players, MP3 players, electric razors, televisions, record players, movie cameras, or a million other modern technological inventions--just a mere 170 years ago. Civilization has advanced from utter primitiveness to incredible mind-boggling achievements in just a little over 100 years. So why didn't mankind discover any of this stuff 100,000,000 years ago, or 100,000 years ago for that matter?
Look at the ignorance of doctors over the past few centuries. Sanitary practices, such as washing hands, were laughed at by doctors, while thousands of patients continued to die. It was unimaginable to doctors back then, that washing one's hands somehow was related to a patient's health in the operating room. Can you believe that? Evolutionists today are just as ignorant of the truth of God's Word, and of common sense itself. It's hard to imagine that millions of people were dying from a simple lack of ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) just a couple hundred years ago. If evolution is true, then it took man billions of years to learn all these kindergarten lessons. And ironically, man has only learned these lessons in the past couple hundred years. You've got to be kidding me! Don't tell me that it took mankind BILLIONS of years to learn to wash his hands to prevent disease! The truth is that mankind has taken baby-steps since 4,000 B.C., and it did take him nearly 6,000 years to learn to wash his hands. This is just another undeniable PROOF that evolution is a lie. If mankind had evolved over millions of years, then men would have discovered these inventions a very long time ago.
The truth is that evolutionists are hardhearted against the truth of God's Word. The Word of God declares that God created the world at approximately 4,000 B.C.—YOU'D BE A FOOL NOT TO BELIEVE IT, BECAUSE THERE'S NO HISTORY PRIOR TO 4,000 B.C. As incredible as this fact is, it is undeniable proof against evolution.
Recently, a thought captivated my mind that proves that the theory of evolution is a big hoax. The thought is simple and yet profound ... why is there no recorded history before approximately 4,000 B.C.? The answer is obvious ... there was no history! Think about it! Evolutionists claim that man evolved over billions of years (that's billions with a "B"). If there were any truth to these false claims by unscrupulous scientists, then man's historical record should span back at least hundreds-of-thousands of years, if not millions. There is no record of a cataclysmic event that destroyed mankind prior to 4,000 B.C. And if there were, surely some of the survivors would have passed this information down to generations to follow. The Bible dates creation, as we know it today, at approximately 4,000 B.C. Thus, it was approximately 6,000 years ago that God, Jesus Christ, created the heavens and the earth in 6-days. It was 6,000 years ago that Jesus Christ spoke the stars into existence. It was 6,000 years ago that Jesus spoke animals, fish, plants, and land into existence. And it was 6,000 years ago that God formed man out of the dust of the earth.
Such Biblical claims seem absurd to modern evolutionists, who have convinced themselves that the earth is billions of years old. Ironically, they have absolutely NO EVIDENCE of such longevity. Evolutionists have sought out dishonest scientists, who distort the facts, use faulty testing methods, and make erroneous assumptions (unethically stating such assumptions as if they were facts). Evolution is at best still a THEORY. Yet, children are brainwashed in godless public schools all across the world, with evolution, which is taught as if it were a fact. This is evil. It is evil to deny students the Biblical account of creationism. The Word of God makes infinite more sense than the fairytale of evolution.
One of the simplest and best proofs that evolution is a joke, is the FACT that there is NO recorded history prior to 4,000 B.C. The world's history is CLEARY defined by SIX world powers since time began: Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome. Since Rome's fall in 476 A.D., there have been no world-powers (many super-powers; but, no world-powers). At the time of Moses, Egypt ruled the world. The Israelites were used as slave labor by Pharaoh to build the pyramids. Before Egypt, there is absolutely nothing recorded in history about a world-power. It is NO coincidence that Revelation 17:10 speaks of these world-powers, "...five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space." At the writing of Revelation, Rome was still a world-power. The Apostle John, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, tells us that Rome is the 6th world-power, and there is one more to come. The 7th world-power will be the beast system, the kingdom of the antichrist. This diabolical New World Order is quickly forming now (i.e., a universal religious view, global centralized government, a one-world economic system, a cashless society, etc.).
Do you think it's a mere coincidence that the Word of God is so concise on world history? The Bible records the beginning of mankind at about 4,000 B.C., and secular history is eerily silent before 4,000 B.C. for those who claim to believe in evolution. If I were an evolutionist, I would be extremely disturbed by this FACT. Prove me wrong! I dare you. I triple-dog dare you to show me any recorded civilization before 4,000 B.C. And I don't mean some pottery jug or item that you claim is 14,000 years old--Show me any evidence of civilization prior to 4,000 B.C. You cannot. In fact, it is difficult to find much recorded history before 2,500 B.C., because the flood of Noah's day destroyed most of it. How can evolutionists be so naive and foolish as to totally ignore this incredibly obvious fact? There is NO recorded history prior to 4,000 B.C.--no writings, no carved stones, no battles, no wars, no countries, no nothing! It's as if mankind just suddenly began (which is exactly what the Bible teaches happened). God created man out of the dirt, the elements, of the earth.
There were no humans before approximately 4,000 B.C. Hard to imagine? Why should it be? There is no history to indicate that humans existed prior to 4,000 B.C. This fact is irrefutable. Oh sure, some stubborn evolutionists are going to start talking about carbon-dating, archeological findings, etc. BUT, the bottom line is that the history of mankind should be traceable far beyond 4,000 B.C., going back million of years IF evolution were true.
Your posts contain so many errors that you are ignorant of, it is a total waste of time to argue with you. For people like you I sincerely recommend that you continue with your church or temple or mosque. Without guidance from these organisations, you will be lost.
Originally posted by BadzMaro:Proof of existence of God is everywhere. But u already refuse to see it. Even with the scientific explainations u will continue to disbelieve. Because thats you. Ur heart is rock solid with cynicsm and skepticsm. You wont believe in Bill Gates if u dont want to believe even with all the evidence around you. You will only believe once u yourself want to open urself up to give the possibility, like u said, that 10% possibility that its wrong/right . U yourself answered that in previous posts and dont u see it ?
Replicating miracles is one thing, replication of the ressurection is also another thing.
If u really want me to go down to replicating of miracles, sure, there are some miracles that CAN be replicated, or theoretically through quantum physics. And it is not long before we fully understand down the subatomic levels.. and things will continue to get smaller. IF u know what quantumn physics is about, if not, i give u the low down on it.
Faith makes us believe in the Miracles of the Bible, when we are "scientific" scripture scholars, we will not.
Quantumn physics definately supports the idea of miracles happening. In the world o science, using quantumn physics , miracles happen "scientifically" and that is at a subatomic level all of material reality is supported not by atoms, but tubatmoic particles, one of wich is the quanta. The quanta particle is a chameleon, meaning that it changes in valence and function of a quanta particle. Literally mind over matter.
THe double slit experiment of quantumn physics shows a dispersion pattern that is impossible given ordinary newtownian physics assumptions. Morever, Bell's Theorem proves non-local communcation at a distance between atoms, thus making the idea of "psychic channeling" scienfitically possible. Additionally, if non-local communication is possible, and if subatomic particles ca change subatmoic particles non-locally at a distance, meaning a prayer can change subatomic particles non-locally at a distance, then it is certainly possible that atoms and molecules, and even cells, which are ultimately composes of subatomic particles could also change.
So when we talk about virgin birth scientifically possible, as well as moving large amounts of water, and healing the blind and the lame. THe foregoing is confirmed by the face that modern scientific prayer studies show that prayer provides a statistically significant diference in the healing of heart attack patients, quantumn particles, called quanta and the Quantum Field that they compose, can change matter physically. Underlygint material physical reality is not atmoic separateness, but instead the Quantum Ield masking itself as various subatomic particles. Thus, Miracles are not scientifically possible, but probable.
Not only are the modern "scientific" miracles of the microwave oven, the television, the computer, the gameboy, the playstation , the dvd player made possible with Quantumn Physics, so too are the "scientific" miracles of the virgin birth of Jesus.
I dont know if u are getting all this or not, but i am just here to properly logically and with reason and science, point to you the questions that we pose in a scientific point of view that not only helped us solve and answer all your answers you so now take for granted as, " scientific proof" , it also makes us wonder and always question the very nature of the biblical miracles and finding the answers for those can find answers for our future technological advances or the other way round.
You have always spoken with much skepticism, and cynicsm, but only as much optimism about your economical predictions. You feel so empowered by your correctness of your statistical datas your garnered and your experience through your years in the field. However you do not seem to put forth as much learned comprehension and understanding as you do here like u did in speakers corner. And i am a bit disappointed. I do not believe that you are 100% sure about exactly how the economic will go, you have a high possibility of it happening with data's and current trends and your expeirence in the market or perhaps a degree in economics for that matter. Thats about it. I can predict it with a 20% probability, but it takes as much FAITH as you did for you to be right. Unless you are also in ur "delusion" , you could hardly discount the fact that you are not 100% sure.Its like how duty cannot exist without faith. Something which maybe you know or dont, but surely u will deny when it comes to God and the bible.
Oh btw.. Santa Claus ? Now that is something i do not believe.
CSI and Conan the Barbarian. Both got the job done in the right ?
But sometimes, a lil faith... can go a long way. Thats why the difference between me and u will most probably be that u will die in a desert scenario, while i may survive a couple hundred yards more, or even miraclelously survive with my faith and scientific knowledge of my physiology and its limits.
Anyways, Happy New Year. I wont be around for the week. I be partying and having as much faith that the world wont blow in up in my face after the new year.
And one more thing, i dont curse, because we are told in the bible and morally that we dont go around cursing people, while u do, that just tells alot about a person u know. N dont tell me its not wrong to curse, or its o.k to curse someone You will definately not want ur kids to curse another or want me to curse you, but on the other hand, you can.
Proof of the existence of god is everywhere? Name one.
Originally posted by AndrewPKYap:
You seem to have ignored the "best of the alternatives" concept.
Sure, some scientist will come up with a better interpretation of reality (with proofs, observations, evidence that can be replicated by anyone with the skill-set) as knowledge expands.
Once anyone comes up with evidence of god, of course I will accept the existence of god. Until then I would think it stupid and delusional to believe in things that do not come with scientific proofs. How can people believe things without evidence is weird.
In the meantime, I will accept what is state of the art discoveries of reality/the universe. I will not cling on to delusions just because people do not know everything.
The computer you are reading this on is a result of scientific discoveries. It is not the result of delusional thoughts.
Delusional thoughts can be comforting and uncertainty can be uncomfortable.
Just because delusional thoughts can be comforting and uncertainty uncomfortable, do you then cling on to delusions?
Lol, I cling on to what?
I believed I stated in a post somewhere just because someone doesn't agree with you doesn't make a person an enemy.
P.S. - I am having insomnia due to over-acidity.
i go to slp
just recovered from insomnia due to over-caffeination
Originally posted by Short Ninja:
Yes ,hope is part of 'Delusion' but it does keep all people going even if it is one big bluff.Without hope we become you and that is scary>LOL
The reason you believe this is because you are too scared to think for yourself (maybe you are too stupid to be able to think for yourself when it is too complicated) and you have never experienced the benefits of looking at life with the eyes of a realist (because you prefer to cling on to your delusions); you make a statement like this.
Originally posted by Nelstar:Lol, I cling on to what?
I believed I stated in a post somewhere just because someone doesn't agree with you doesn't make a person an enemy.
P.S. - I am having insomnia due to over-acidity.
You said:
"Some 7 or 6 years ago, I posted that the reason why I find scientific discovery boring is because, some other idiotic scientist will go and discover something new again."
Originally posted by laurence82:tsk
i go to slp
just recovered from insomnia due to over-caffeination
Coffee with banana?
Originally posted by AndrewPKYap:You said:
"Some 7 or 6 years ago, I posted that the reason why I find scientific discovery boring is because, some other idiotic scientist will go and discover something new again."
And it implies?
Originally posted by Nelstar:And it implies?
You seem to have ignored the "best of the alternatives" concept.