between eastern christianity and western christianity?
i was just wiki-ing around and i read something about the eastern othedox church
One thing to note is, historically, most of the Christiandom cities were in the east. So out of the five patriarchtes, four were in the east - Jerusalem, Alexandria, Antioch, Constantinople, while Rome was in the west.
Also Rome used Latin while the Eastern churches used Greek.
hi dumb dumb,
The Orthodox split with the catholic church in th 11th cent? The orthodox does not recognise the pope as the head and it has own pope is the patriach which is based in Greece.. However, they have 7 sacraments are the same with the catholic church , namely, baptism, confirmation, holy matrimony, holy orders (priesthood), Holy communion, reconciliation (confession) and anoinitng of the sick. In the old days, it was known as extreme unction. or also scrament of the dying.
They also believe in the real presence of Jesus in the holy communion. For catholics, we believe that once the host is consecrated in the holy mass by the priest, it becomes the real body and the wine become the real blood of christ even though the substance do not change. This process is called Transubstantiation.
Catechism of the catholic church (CCC) 1413 " By the consecration the transubstatiation of the bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ is brought about. Under the consecrated species of bread and wine Christ himself, living and glorious, is present in a true, real and substantial manner: his Body and his Blood, with his soul and his divinity. (council of trent DS 1640, 1651)
Within the orthodox church, it split further into many rites.. oriental catholic church, eastern orthodox church, syria orthodox.. Some priest can marry, some cannot.. In singapore, the St. Thomas Orthodox syrian church is at yio chu kang , mainly it members are from the south of india, Kerala or the malayalees.
Even in the catholic church, we have 33 diferent rites. The main one is the latin or roman rite. Other rites are syro malabar, maronite ..coptic catholic.. just to name a few. These rites though a bit different are in communion with Rome. and pledged obedience to the Holy Father, the pope.
hope that helps.