Jesus is a vegetarian. Paul is not.Paul is against Jesus.Singapore Churches support Paul.How can a sinless person like Jesus eat meat? Of course He is a vegetarian.Have you all heard of ebionites?They are the true followers of Jesus Christ, unlike those in Singapore Churches.Jesus preaches Human Equality.
U almost make sense.
Hello mister....
he ate fish during the feeding of 5000.....
and not to mention during passover meals... the meals consists of meats.....and as a jew... obviously he partake in the meals....
No one is perfect.
you must have been reading ieat's blog ....
Originally posted by Ongsoosiang:Jesus is a vegetarian. Paul is not.Paul is against Jesus.Singapore Churches support Paul.How can a sinless person like Jesus eat meat? Of course He is a vegetarian.Have you all heard of ebionites?They are the true followers of Jesus Christ, unlike those in Singapore Churches.Jesus preaches Human Equality.
i think you cannot just declare someone is a vegetarian without records la. you also cannot declare eating meat a sin. you don't even know what the root of sin is.
like that i can also say sir stamford raffles is a cannabal.
for the record, Jesus isn't a vegetarian.
and yeah, Jesus did preach human equality. everyone is a sinner in the sight of God. all have fallen short, and all need salvation..
Originally posted by mhcampboy:Hello mister....
he ate fish during the feeding of 5000.....
and not to mention during passover meals... the meals consists of meats.....and as a jew... obviously he partake in the meals....
roasted lamb eaten with unleaven bread and bitter herbs.
I'm a vegetarian and I feel this society is Christian and against vegetarianism and paganism.I see so many youngsters reading bibles and hates me a vegetarian so much.Can our youngsters stop reading bibles and accept different beliefs like vegetarianism and paganism?
Originally posted by Ongsoosiang:I'm a vegetarian and I feel this society is Christian and against vegetarianism and paganism.I see so many youngsters reading bibles and hates me a vegetarian so much.Can our youngsters stop reading bibles and accept different beliefs like vegetarianism and paganism?
no, we hate you because you're an idiot, not because you're a vegan. or at least its just me.
so your reason for anyhow saying that jesus is vegetarian is because you're one? and with no defence to my quotes, you switch topic to saying how you're being hated for being a vegetarian?
u need to eat some meat la, obviously the lack of animal protein is making you stupid and inconsistant.
where's your proof that jesus is vegan?
Please avoid vegetarians as they are pagans.Please avoid them at all costs.
No Ongsoosiang Jesus is not vegetarian Jesus is God He is one without taint and sin and He is God. Well by the way His face radiated immense light so He is God.
I'm a witness to that.
sounds like someone escaped his padded cell
Jesus smoked weed.
Originally posted by the Bear:sounds like someone escaped his padded cell
only in your dream bear only in your dream. But if that motivates you dream on.
Jesus smoked weed well that's something new and genuine...
Originally posted by Miracles&Prophecies:only in your dream bear only in your dream.
and Adolf Hitler was a choir boy.
you just pwned yourself..
i meant the TS and you popped up..
pardon me but your slip isn't just showing, it's around your ankles
And I'm supposed to believe you?
Originally posted by weewee:No one is perfect.
wrong. our ministers are perfect.
Originally posted by Miracles&Prophecies:And I'm supposed to believe you?
well, you can lead a horse to water.. you know the rest
what's going on?
learn from the hindus and become a vegetairan. it's not only from spiritual point of view. there are also health and ecological reasons.
What do vegetarianism and paganism have to do with each other?
Most vegetarians tend to be Wiccans rather than actual pagans/heathens.
what r u talking about? we're feasting on jesus's flesh and blood every holy communion
Originally posted by Ongsoosiang:Jesus is a vegetarian. Paul is not.Paul is against Jesus.Singapore Churches support Paul.How can a sinless person like Jesus eat meat? Of course He is a vegetarian.Have you all heard of ebionites?They are the true followers of Jesus Christ, unlike those in Singapore Churches.Jesus preaches Human Equality.
Please click here...
and revise what you had posted...
Originally posted by the Bear:
well, you can lead a horse to water.. you know the rest
You can also lead childish man and thugs to position of power....I know the rest