you mean a psychiatrist?Originally posted by Icemoon:you mean the doctor or the scientist?
do you have a freud sofa for us if we visit you?
I'm afreud not.Originally posted by Icemoon:do you have a freud sofa for us if we visit you?
yeah.Originally posted by laurence82:you mean a psychiatrist?
Nope. Psychiatrists are never psychologists. They are doctors, in the first place, and their foremost treatment is always medication.Originally posted by Icemoon:yeah.
aren't all psychiatrists psychologists in a sense?
Originally posted by ellisbeck:don't they have in-depth understanding of certain branches of psychology? It is just like doctors have good understanding of human physiology (covered in biology course) also.
[b]Nope. Psychiatrists are never psychologists. They are doctors, in the first place, and their foremost treatment is always medication.[/b]
i'll sympathise with u, seeing as how u got hit on by another closet gay xtian who's publicly very anti-gay in EH.Originally posted by laoda99:
Overall I feel that while I am in solidarity with FCC against all oppression and marginalization of gay Christians by the Church, I can't support the direction of the Church. I feel it's going too liberal. I'm a firm believer in being united and uncompromising on the very essentials of the Christian faith, while allowing diversity in doctrines that are not fundamental and which are more complex than just coming to a simple conclusion and stand. Unfortunately, what I see in FCC is that some essentials are being questioned and enthroned instead as an essential belief seems to be the view that homosexuality is not a sin. Any differing view from their absolute stance that homosexuality is not a sin is thoroughly destroyed and the person accussed as being homophobic and not accepted in the family- at least this is the treatment given to anyone who dare differ from them by the most outspoken members (not all the members though because I'm on good terms with some of the leaders and I think they understand where I come from). I think the homosexual issue is more complex than either the conservatives or liberals make it out to be. I wish more people in FCC realized this, rather than reacting in an opposite manner to that of the conservatives.
how you know he got hit??Originally posted by HENG@:i'll sympathise with u, seeing as how u got hit on by another closet gay xtian who's publicly very anti-gay in EH.
That's pretty much correct. Psychiatry is a medical specialisation, therefore every psychiatrist is a medical practicioner and, unlike psychologists, can prescribe medication.Originally posted by Icemoon:don't they have in-depth understanding of certain branches of psychology? It is just like doctors have good understanding of human physiology (covered in biology course) also.
but the reverse is not true. Psychologists have no medical training like psychiatrists.
hmm .. you mean the shrinks need the psychologists to assess disorders and disfunctions?Originally posted by Gedanken:That's pretty much correct. Psychiatry is a medical specialisation, therefore every psychiatrist is a medical practicioner and, unlike psychologists, can prescribe medication.
In an applied clinical setting, the psychologist's largest contribution would probably be in assessment of disorders and disfunctions - all things being equal, their training in assessment is more in-depth than that of psychiatrists.
To put it in a nutshell, they're the drug pushers and we're the witch doctors.
Originally posted by stupidissmart:christainity for a long time has already been closing an eye on certain practises which was already deemed to be incorrect. An example is a statement made by paul on the behavior of women in churches.
1 corinthians 11
5And every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head—it is just as though her head were shaved. 6If a woman does not cover her head, she should have her hair cut off; and if it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut or shaved off, she should cover her head. 7A man ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God; but the woman is the glory of man. 8For man did not come from woman, but woman from man; 9neither was man created for woman, but woman for man. 10For this reason, and because of the angels, the woman ought to have a sign of authority on her head.
1 corinthians 14
As in all the congregations of the saints, 34women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the Law says. 35If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church.
1 timothy 2
11A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. 12I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent
In fact there r more rules to follow if u look at slavery etc.
since i am very sure in most churches women can speak as well as not covering their head or own slaves, why do we enforce on homosexual given the new knowledge on it ?
can u quote me the verses regarding slavery? I will see what the commentary bible says abt it....Originally posted by stupidissmart:I don't agree with your commentary. In the past, women really do cover their heads when they go to church. In fact if u see the nuns now, they also go around with their head covered. No matter wat is the reason given, it is really literally means women should cover their head and it is followed till modern times.
It also states tat women can't speak in church as well. Tat is why female can't be pastors in the past as well. It has been followed till modern times. U can't deny in the past churches do make the status of women lower than men. It is only in modern times then tis view changes and as such, all the preaches tat were used to bring down the status of women forgotten and new commentaries tat say they do not do such things appear. The practise had really changed in tis instance, as in others like slavery.
Originally posted by stupidissmart:
U can see the statement is tis website about women and their head covers
Men should have shorter hair and should pray to God with their head uncovered. Women should imitate the Virgin Mary. Women should have longer hair and [b]should pray to God with their head covered. Women should wear a head covering while praying or attending Mass
Tis is really practise
Women should not have any role of authority, leadership, or teaching over any group that includes adult men. Women should not be extraordinary ministers of holy communion, nor ushers (collecting donations), nor altar servers. Neither should any woman be director of religious education. Such roles are intended by God for men, not women. Boys may be altar servers, but not girls, because boys and girls are meant to have different roles in the Church, the family, and society. Women should not have any role of authority, leadership, or teaching in the Church, except over other women or children. For such is the will of God.
my info network behind the scenes run deep. information is a powerful toolOriginally posted by Icemoon:how you know he got hit??
Hmm....I think what u write is the website author's interpolation.....u must not forget in the bible there are woman prophets who spoke to man......If u say tat tis is only the interpolation from the website author, i can also say the view u stated is also the viewpoint of the author for the commentary. U really see certain practises been practise for centuries such as women cannot hold any post of authority in the church as well as women covering their head in the case of nuns. I really can't see why u do not believe tat tis rule have been practise for donkey years.
scripture wise I think it is still quite open for debate......even reformed or Bible Presbyterian churches which are very fundamentalist do not require women to cover their heads....I dun want to commit myself to anything yet but I am sure that contexts in the bible ought to be examined.....Paul was talking to the church in Corinthians that time.....and the situation in Corith may warrants such rules to be enforced....
Get a commentary bible, it gives u information on the background of the book u are studying instead of letting u speculate wat it is abt....If u just read the commentary bible, then isn't tat following the interpretations of "preachers" and not following god's own words ?
everytime Icemoon got nothing to refute, he faster talk about ratings. Slick lehOriginally posted by Icemoon:is SIS here to help us improve ratings?
Originally posted by stupidissmart:no leh .. Jesus passed the church on to Mary Magdalene. You never read DVC ah?
U can see the statement is tis website about women and their head covers
Men should have shorter hair and should pray to God with their head uncovered. Women should imitate the Virgin Mary. Women should have longer hair and [b]should pray to God with their head covered. Women should wear a head covering while praying or attending Mass
Tis is really practise
Women should not have any role of authority, leadership, or teaching over any group that includes adult men. Women should not be extraordinary ministers of holy communion, nor ushers (collecting donations), nor altar servers. Neither should any woman be director of religious education. Such roles are intended by God for men, not women. Boys may be altar servers, but not girls, because boys and girls are meant to have different roles in the Church, the family, and society. Women should not have any role of authority, leadership, or teaching in the Church, except over other women or children. For such is the will of God.
it is true what .. now that the role of CK in EH is diminished, SIS is here to take his place.Originally posted by HENG@:everytime Icemoon got nothing to refute, he faster talk about ratings. Slick leh