Why the ng chee beng no experience just came onboard given 2 portfolios huh? Chee meng's has PhD in apple polishing ?
Aiyo that pighead still health minister........
Kee chiu no more in charge ntuc......
So many reaping from short cut .......
urmmm... nearly forget .... 70% love it.
why lau qua loong need so many in ministries huh? the papa was pm he no need so many in ministries This son sibeh cmi....... latest rubbish from him is he said he is our jaga ..... tolong la jaga our cpf money ....... ultimately he won't let us have , dats why jaga ... our cpf in the end is govt money ....... want our hard earned money, so cheapskate....
Singapore so big we need 2 ministers for trade and industry.......
chee hong tat out of no where now become minster of state.
now we have increased in the number of ministers , suck more money. This is the consequence of selfish Daft contemptible 70% giving them blank cheque. Sg is a tiny little dot we no need so many ministers.
VB so CMI still can be foreign minister? WTF?
KBW got the cursed Transport portfolio. Maybe he'll be gone in 2020.
The bala the vivian girl girl cmi, simi mah buay sai. sama sama like lhl tan sun.
Seems kee chiu quite major on pmo, may b he next pm.
lau qua loong excellent waste taxpayers' $$$$$$$ by creating redundant posts and so many ministerial posts. Damn the 70%.
After GE, ppl said: the one who got the lowest vote in GE will get the transport minister role.
Khaw got very few votes ah?
Be humble, be frank, declare your income: PM's code of conduct for PAP MPs http://ebx.sh/1JBbI7d
seems like chan chun seng happy olready
of cos lah he �� all da way leh
quite a lot of useless post
like Minister in PMO
look at them dishing out all the 10ks
Seriously, why do you even need a minister for PMO?
I tot the PM should be incharge of his own office?
Tat said, PMO isnt a ministry by itself, why should there be a minister???
Will they change PMO to MPMO? Ministry of Prime Minister Office
sounds wierd rite?
if there online publication of job scope?
either in charge of nothing or everything
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