In the event that more opp party taken up more seats in parliament, it is turning point ( for the good or bad) in our political history as a young democratic country.However, Bad news for students who have to memorise more stuff in their social study/history textbook if this happen. (etc. why xxx party has lose their seats in xxx constituency leading to a coalition govt)
Damn lot of strange people in sgforums.
So best if one party doing the same thing over and over again?
Then history book only 4 pages long?
Exam only 1 question?
Originally posted by charlize:Damn lot of strange people in sgforums.
Yeah wondering who's those strange people? ?
Damn those strange people.
Kick them in sgforums.
Kick charlize.
It's a contact forum here.
Make sg disappear, solve it!
You all full of nonsense.