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I have warn PAP govt not to continue there anti-china activities. See below post :
The problem with PAP govt anti-China attitude is we begin to allow American to station their navy here. This makes China very worry. They are very uncomfortable about American cutting off their oil supply from Africa and Middle East one day.
To stop worrying, they are bound to build Kra Canal thr Thailand. China PM now confirms that they are going ahead !
azhai ? you if base on your theory - if we go lick that boots - they will not build the Kra canal ?
If base on your theory - we should kick out the US , and let china bring more chicken to geylang ?
it is technologically impossible now and will take many hundred years.if they can build so much then it would be possible that they build a country by pouring sand in ocean which will be easier.
Hello !
Building Kra Canal won't take one hundred years as someone suggested above. It will only take 10 years. In addition, China has the option to build a rail way to connect the two ports at both ends.
I think we should think about this issue strategically. If I am in China government and my oil supply lifeline is at risk of being cut off by the American and Singapore then I will seriously consider building Kra Canal. Why ? Because I can afford it ! I won't be considering building Kra Canal if it is an impossible task. But if I can afford it and if building it helps my position in Asean and Asia overall then why not ?
Between China and USA the best thing Singapore government can do is to stay neutral. Why must you guys lick USA boots ? Please have some self respect hehe. Don't get Singapore crushed when two elephents fight. Or when the two elephents make love. Both China and the US are moving toward the idea of 2G. Meaning both nations will decide the fate of the earth.
In the mean time however they may have proxy wars soon. USA is likely to use Philippine, Vietnam & Japan to give China problem through their conflicting territorial cliams whereas China has strenghten its relationship with Russian with their support of Russia's position in Ukraine.
Japan is very worry about China taking the pole position in Asia. It has been the dominate power in Asia for the last one hundred years and doesn't intend to give it up without a fight. That is why you see PM Abe, with the tacit approval of Obama helping to arm Philippine, Vietnam and Indenesia etc. So in the near future we will see Japan exporting arms all over Asia. Singapore armament will be weaken comparatively and Asean will go into another arm race. Japan will become a major arms exporter in Asia with its focus on Arc of Freedom and Prosperity.
The Japanese knows that their time is running out. Economically China will be 4-5 times Japan size in 10-20 years. As such they are becoming more and more right leaning. Japan will do whatever they can to get to the highest position they can achieve militarily.
The US is wiser. They are falling back from the first China containment island chain and moving away to the second island chain. The Americans are trying to avoid directly conflict with China in the near future. They would rather Japan, Philippine, Vietnam or Taiwan etc playing that role. With that they position themselves as the mediators.
Singapore play a vital role in the South China Sea for the Americans. The US is using Singapore to control China's oil supply. In time of conflict China oil supply will be shut off by Singapore when under pressure from the US government with the present of their navy.
So you can see why China must resolve this urgent issue through the building of the Kra Canal. Xi Jing Ping is not Hu JIng Tao. I expect the new Chinese will get the canal build very soon unless Singapore back out.
Originally posted by storywolf:azhai ? you if base on your theory - if we go lick that boots - they will not build the Kra canal ?
If base on your theory - we should kick out the US , and let china bring more chicken to geylang ?
Chinese = chicken ? You are very bad....
Originally posted by Oceanman:it is technologically impossible now and will take many hundred years.if they can build so much then it would be possible that they build a country by pouring sand in ocean which will be easier.
China just completed their railway from Chong Qing to Germany fyi.
This has serious implication to our position as major seaport espexially our bunkering industry; from my inference . Xi jing ping doesn't seem to like our leaders ( remember once pm visit china and he refuse to meet him and hilary).. Singapore have thrive since 120 years ago is becos of geographical superiority in our sea port and we have many mnc regional office becos of the same reason ... This route is obviously to replace us.. If u think u are working in other industry and Losing our position as major seaport does not affect u then u need to think again... Thx for this article
Just one more info to show how bad is Singapore government relationship with China.
Singapore lease Parkistani Gwadar port and sit on it for 5-6 years doing nothing just to block the Chinese from using it to transport their oil import inland. Our $$ all go down the drain because someone wants to revenge against his failure in his Suzhou Project.
Originally posted by Hope4singapore:This has serious implication to our position as major seaport espexially our bunkering industry; from my inference . Xi jing ping doesn't seem to like our leaders ( remember once pm visit china and he refuse to meet him and hilary).. Singapore have thrive since 120 years ago is becos of geographical superiority in our sea port and we have many mnc regional office becos of the same reason ... This route is obviously to replace us.. If u think u are working in other industry and Losing our position as major seaport does not affect u then u need to think again... Thx for this article
China has been tolerating our government errant behavior for the last ten over years. Hu Jing Tao was in a very weak position. He was never fully in control because of former president Jiang Zhe Ming. Jiang established a second center of command in the communist party through Zhou Yong Kang.
But Xi JIng Ping is completely different. In just one year around 30-40 ministerial level officers have been brought down by him because of corruptions while he simultaneously battles with Zhou Yong Kang and Jiang Zhe Ming in the back ground.
Originally posted by Oceanman:it is technologically impossible now and will take many hundred years.if they can build so much then it would be possible that they build a country by pouring sand in ocean which will be easier.
Heard of the Panama Canal and Suez Canal? They were built decades ago. The technology is certainly there.
The reason why they had not built it to date is because of the unrest in Thailand's Muslim south.
I won't be too worried about reports about possible China intention to build the canal, if they are as smart as the world think they are.
The technology is there to build a canal, but it has not been economically viable for many countries, including Thailand, the host country.
as stated by deathmaster, with the unrest in thailand's muslim south, it would be difficult for the thailand government to control, especially if the south is fighting for a separate state and this canal would be seen to bring them income.
Mahathir has always wanted singapore dead, any projects that can jeopardize singapore he would fight for it, now even to the extent of licking Xi's boots, the pipelines, the crooked bridge...fortunately even pak lah, a weak pm, could tell that these projects are not worth persuing.
there is no need to please the chinese government unnecessarily. our sovereignty in the eyes of the world is more important than the relationship with china.