Originally Posted by SixNein
Thread source (PF): Moral Decay and the downfall of the Great American economy
I often see a great deal of confusion when it comes to the federal reserve. And programs like quantitative easing are no exception. So first let me explain the problem: One person's spending becomes another persons income. So one of the key things to watch for in an economy is total spending. Total Spending = Money + Credit A lot of people incorrectly believe that spending is only decided by money when in fact money only makes up a small portion of total spending. So what is the deal with quantitative easing? In the financial crash, credit began contracting as the economy underwent a deleveraging process. The news referred to this as a credit crunch. And it's a big deal because of the above equation. When credit is rapidly contracting, total spending in the economy is rapidly falling. And this finally brings us to quantitative easing. By printing more dollars, one can offset the contraction in credit to stabilize total spending. And since total spending isn't increasing, one doesn't see runaway inflation as a result of the extra money. Finally, American manufacturing is doing well. In fact, it's the largest it has ever been. But this doesn't translate into jobs because of automation. [bold font added] |
Can summarize in 10 words or less?
Originally posted by charlize:wot.
Can summarize in 10 words or less?
Criticize Ben Bernanke's in 10 words or less? U suggesting I use vulgarities???...
any how, here goes:
Printing $$$ breeds distrust in government, with widespread long term consequences.
(11 words).
My reply is even better :
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