Saints of Singapore
LTN or known as Lee Tong Nge is a mother fucker! Nanyang Polytechnic School of Business Management. 冚家� whole family die! Descendants 男盗女娼! Red lamp close the cover!
He got no parents to teach! He is also known as Si Yau Siew Kia, Yau Siew Kia, a wild beast (畜牲 Chu Sheng), Nie Zhong, Wu Sheng and Ren
Zha Bai Lei (人渣败类 scum of the earth)! His existence is simply a waste of grains (Lang Fei Liang Shi)!
EL or known as Emily Lee is a fucking noisy old pro! Manulife Singapore. 冚家� whole family die! Descendants 男盗女娼! Red lamp close the cover!
She got no parents to teach! She is also known as Si Yau Siew Ji, Yau Siew Ji, a wild beast (畜牲 Chu Sheng), Nie Zhong, Wu Sheng and Ren
Zha Bai Lei (人渣败类 scum of the earth)! She would make a good choice as a pimp for the pros as well as a griever (xiao nu)! Her existence is simply a
waste of grains (Lang Fei Liang Shi)!
KL or known as Kathleen Lee is a fucking noisy pro! Manulife Singapore. 冚家� whole family die! Descendants 男盗女娼! Red lamp close the cover!
She got no parents to teach! She is also known as Si Yau Siew Ji, Yau Siew Ji, a wild beast (畜牲 Chu Sheng), Nie Zhong, Wu Sheng and Ren
Zha Bai Lei (人渣败类 scum of the earth)! She won’t be able to provide good oral service as she would end up squashing the banana! She would make a
good choice as a pro as well as a griever (xiao nu) as both occupations require the person to make a lot of noises! Her existence is simply a waste of grains
(Lang Fei Liang Shi)!
PL or known as Patrick Lee is a mother fucker! Manulife Singapore. 冚家� whole family die! Descendants 男盗女娼! Red lamp close the cover!
He got no parents to teach! He is also known as Si Yau Siew Kia, Yau Siew Kia, a wild beast (畜牲 Chu Sheng), Nie Zhong, Wu Sheng and Ren
Zha Bai Lei (人渣败类 scum of the earth)! His existence is simply a waste of grains (Lang Fei Liang Shi)!
TKH or known as Tan Kim Huat or AT or Andy Tan is a wild beast (畜牲 Chu Sheng), Nie Zhong, Wu Sheng and Ren Zha Bai Lei (人渣败类 scum of the earth)! Flextronics Singapore. 冚家� whole family die! Descendants 男盗女娼! Red lamp close the cover!
He got no parents to teach! He is also known as Si Yau Siew Kia, Yau Siew Kia, Si Hao Lam, Hao Lam, Si Hao Dai, Hao Dai and Da Tou Dai! His existence is simply a waste of grains (Lang Fei Liang Shi)!
LTW or known as Lee Ting Wei is a mother fucker! Manulife Singapore. 冚家� wholefamily die! Descendants 男盗女娼! Red lamp close the cover!
He got no parents to teach! He is also known as Si Yau Siew Kia, Yau Siew Kia, a wild beast (畜牲 Chu Sheng), Nie Zhong, Wu Sheng and Ren
Zha Bai Lei (人渣败类 scum of the earth)!His existence is simply a waste of grains (Lang Fei Liang Shi)! Wei ji wang guo, wei de nu ren da zhong guo!
AT or known as Adeline Tan fucking noisy pro! Manulife Singapore. 冚家� whole family die! Descendants 男盗女娼! Red lamp close the cover!
She got no parents to teach! She is also known as Si Yau Siew Ji, Yau Siew Ji, a wild beast (畜牲 Chu Sheng), Nie Zhong, Wu Sheng and Ren
Zha Bai Lei (人渣败类 scum of the earth)! She would make a good choice as a pro as well as a griever (xiao nu) as both occupations require the person to
make a lot of noises! Her existence is simply a waste of grains (Lang Fei Liang Shi)!
KK or known as Kelly Kong or KCS or Kong Chiew Suen a fucking shameless pro! 冚家� whole family die! Descendants 男盗女娼! Red lamp close the cover!
She got no parents to teach! She is also known as Si Yau Siew Ji, Yau Siew Ji, a wild beast (畜牲 Chu Sheng), Nie Zhong, Wu Sheng and Ren
Zha Bai Lei (人渣败类 scum of the earth)! She would make a good choice as a pro as well as a griever (xiao nu) as both occupations require the person to
make a lot of noises! Her existence is simply a waste of grains (Lang Fei Liang Shi)!
LML or known as Lee Meiling a fucking shameless pro! 冚家� whole family die! Descendants 男盗女娼! Red lamp close the cover!
She got no parents to teach! She is also known as Si Yau Siew Ji, Yau Siew Ji, a wild beast (畜牲 Chu Sheng), Nie Zhong, Wu Sheng and Ren
Zha Bai Lei (人渣败类 scum of the earth)! She would make a good choice as a pro as well as a griever (xiao nu) as both occupations require the person to
make a lot of noises! Her existence is simply a waste of grains (Lang Fei Liang Shi)!
Time really flies! It is yet another Year!
The good news is that I am still alive!
The bad news is that……
While the evil things are busying searching suitable grave sites for themselves and relatives, I hope
that they will also help me to look for a suitable site!
One of these days Iam going to need it although I don’t know when!
Perhaps the evil things would like to advise me on this!
My time is not up yet (命�该�)!
It is not over yet until I won!
I die die also want to win! (至æ»æ–¹ä¼‘)
Until the war produces a winner, it shall go on!
Want my head? There is one! (�头一颗)
Want my life? There is also one! (�命一�)
After putting in hard work & efforts- producing the required results in the process, the Perfect Genius was not given the confirmation that he wholly deserved!
It is due to the machinations of 2 stupid mother fuckers! They got no parents to teach! 冚家� whole family die! Descendants 男盗女娼! Red lamp close the cover!
Stupid mother fucker no 1
Old fart Billy Tan!
This stupid mother fucker abuses the powers of his position to stop the Perfect Genius for
being confirmed! Lack of integrity! Unprofessional! Stupid old bastard!
This old fart is too free! He got not much work to do! Thus, he could moonlight as a griever! No wonder
the turnover rate is so high! Perhaps, the people who left are afraid that people might think they are working at a funeral house!
This old fart is redundant! He could be asked to fuck off without having a serious negative impact on the
company! It will help to save costs and cause the staff to be more productive!
Stupid mother fucker no 2
Sissy Richmond Lim!
This stupid mother fucker abuses the powers of his position to stop the Perfect Genius for
being confirmed! Lack of integrity! Unprofessional! Stupid bastard!
It is nothing but discrimination!