why does smrt keep shifting around;...
I saw e tender on ST Classified today for refuribishing of Scanias
Originally posted by sbst275:I saw e tender on ST Classified today for refuribishing of Scanias
what scanias?
Originally posted by TIB1018B:Another round of bus fleet redeployment this coming Monday.
636, 648, 668, 670, 671 & 674 to KJDEP
835, 839, 840 & 845 to KJDEP
Dennis Lance
938, 1009, 1010 & 1014 to WLDEP
MB 0405
425, 426, 490, 491, 496, 505, 534, 555, 602, 630, 631, 633, 761, 785, 787, 790, 794, 795 & 828 to WLDEP
442, 443, 446, 468, 469, 471, 472, 474, 546, 556 , 738, 739, 740, 788, 809 & 968 to KJDEP
MB 0405G Habit
1037 to AMDEP
1062 to KJDEP
1154 & 1155 to WLDEP
Wow! I think cofirmed there would be Scanias on 67, 190 etc lol. Dennis Lances on 962, 963 lol. BTW, why is the DAFs not affected?
Originally posted by sbst275:I saw e tender on ST Classified today for refuribishing of Scanias
Service 852 might have a chance to get back some of its UK Dennis Lances, also based on the fact that all its Scania ELBO permers are affected by the shift
As for service 980, I think that WLDEP can just redeploy 1 of its Lances to replace TIB665P so as to make service 980 a complete Lance fleet
Don't know what is going to happen to service 985's Lances.
they gonna get new bodies or what
lucky 961 is left untouched...
Don't know what SPH is up to this time round... I hope those ex-700, ex-75 and ex-970 permers can come back to 700 when this redeployment happens.. Notice most of the Merz especially are from the ex and current perm of Service 700, 75 and 970...
Originally posted by TIB1062Y:Don't know what SPH is up to this time round... I hope those ex-700, ex-75 and ex-970 permers can come back to 700 when this redeployment happens.. Notice most of the Merz especially are from the ex and current perm of Service 700, 75 and 970...
Scania's in KJDEP , hope to see them on 190
Originally posted by Volvo Olympian:Scania's in KJDEP , hope to see them on 190
same for 67!
Originally posted by TIB1062Y:Don't know what SPH is up to this time round... I hope those ex-700, ex-75 and ex-970 permers can come back to 700 when this redeployment happens.. Notice most of the Merz especially are from the ex and current perm of Service 700, 75 and 970...
most probably toking abt urself going back on 700?
Originally posted by TIB1018B:Another round of bus fleet redeployment this coming Monday.
636, 648, 668, 670, 671 & 674 to KJDEP
835, 839, 840 & 845 to KJDEP
Dennis Lance
938, 1009, 1010 & 1014 to WLDEP
MB 0405
425, 426, 490, 491, 496, 505, 534, 555, 602, 630, 631, 633, 761, 785, 787, 790, 794, 795 & 828 to WLDEP
442, 443, 446, 468, 469, 471, 472, 474, 546, 556 , 738, 739, 740, 788, 809 & 968 to KJDEP
MB 0405G Habit
1037 to AMDEP
1062 to KJDEP
1154 & 1155 to WLDEP
Red: Ex-970 permers (under WLDEP)
Green: Ex-75 permers (under WLDEP)
Blue: Ex-700 permers (under WLDEP)
Orange: Current 75, 700 and 970 permers (under KJDEP)
Hope all the old friends can be back on their respective services! =D
Originally posted by TIB1062Y:Red: Ex-970 permers (under WLDEP)
Green: Ex-75 permers (under WLDEP)
Blue: Ex-700 permers (under WLDEP)Orange: Current 75, 700 and 970 permers (under KJDEP)
Hope all the old friends can be back on their respective services! =D
Most likely the drivers won't come back here , maybe KJ drivers still , no change for the drivers i think ...
Originally posted by Volvo Olympian:Most likely the drivers won't come back here , maybe KJ drivers still , no change for the drivers i think ...
Driver don't come back I don't care... As long the bus itself come back can already... Lolx...
Originally posted by TIB1062Y:
Driver don't come back I don't care... As long the bus itself come back can already... Lolx...
Originally posted by TIB1018B:
As for service 980, I think that WLDEP can just redeploy 1 of its Lances to replace TIB665P so as to make service 980 a complete Lance fleet
Omg.. U must be joking.. -_-
I think besides these depot transfer, each depot may have massive redeployments among the services.
Originally posted by Volvo Olympian:Scania's in KJDEP , hope to see them on 190
Might end up on 700 again.. haha..
hmm.. in anticipation of new buses?
Originally posted by sinicker:hmm.. in anticipation of new buses?
the OC500LE's..
are nowhere to be seen
perhaps some kind of hints..
Originally posted by TIB1062Y:Red: Ex-970 permers (under WLDEP)
Green: Ex-75 permers (under WLDEP)
Blue: Ex-700 permers (under WLDEP)Orange: Current 75, 700 and 970 permers (under KJDEP)
Hope all the old friends can be back on their respective services! =D
To add on, all those Lances that are going to WLDEP soon were once service 852's permers too They can go back to serve 852 once again
dun shift 972C, 962G can liao ^^
Originally posted by SBS7484P:
the OC500LE's..are nowhere to be seen
Still no sign of TIB1258A being registered